Usual… And… Unusual

FRI., OCT. 27, 1995, 7:11 PM

This has been active day, with both usual, expected, and unusual, unexpected happenings. Your interactions with students and your colleagues has been about as expected, with lots of evidence that you’re seen as a positive, enthusiastic, spirited man. You have shone forth spirit in many ways, and you’ve missed very few obvious opportunities.

Your intention was to be here early, but the conversation with Andy was so easy and stimulating that it lasted well into the morning. You gave her much encouragement, and, for awhile at least, she will be more faithful in receiving Teachings that she needs, from Me. As soon as you’re through with papers and tests that await you at home you should reproduce more of your Teachings to send to her. She shall continue to need the reinforcement of the “chosenness” of you both.

The steam arising from beneath your hood as you proceeded into town was mildly unfortunate but a marvelous “coincidence”. You immediately found a place that could replace the leaking hoses, and you decided to spend the time waiting for the repair rereading Teachings from the volume you brought along (that Andy read through). The repair time was longer than expected, so you got to read more of these evidences of My presence in your life. You have several ideas for the next Ruminations, each of which has merit. The one focusing on Chris is My favorite, but, yes, you should write to Easy and ask for his approval of this, with names or anonymously. I’ll do what I can to help.

So here you had a potential breakdown happening right where it could be fixed… while you spent time with Me. Did I arrange this? That’s not important. Just know that, even with the inflated bill it was a positive experience. Be more insistent with your local “car fixers” in the future.

The teaching-approach session with Helen was an active one. You did your small part well, but you could have said a bit more about the spiritual dimension. But then you are well aware of My priorities.

Your encounter with Lloyd was an unexpected one, and you followed up well on that opportunity. Be sure to write to him and send him a couple more Letters. He may be more appreciative than you would have expected.

Other conversations were mainly social, but there were a few times that you spoke of the spirit as a part of your projected retirement. Each time you speak of this future, in precise or imprecise terms, it becomes easier to speak of this the next time… and so on. At this rate you’ll be talking about it quite easily rather soon. Don’t be bothered by those who don’t seem to understand. Many will, and it will be an important testimony to a wonderfully unique way to envision retirement.

The Eta Sigma Gamma meeting and social were at least an opportunity for you to identify with some of the active students coming into your profession, and for them to appreciate you in the convention role. It was not a big climax to this day, but it was moderately worthwhile.

FRI., OCT. 27, 1995, 7:11 PM

This has been active day, with both usual, expected, and unusual, unexpected happenings. Your interactions with students and your colleagues has been about as expected, with lots of evidence that you’re seen as a positive, enthusiastic, spirited man. You have shone forth spirit in many ways, and you’ve missed very few obvious opportunities.

Your intention was to be here early, but the conversation with Andy was so easy and stimulating that it lasted well into the morning. You gave her much encouragement, and, for awhile at least, she will . . .

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