
OCT. 8, 1980, 5:26 AM

Validation is certainly what you experienced yesterday, o son. Chris obviously is a person who responds well to these teachings, but her lovely emotional reaction to the meditation on Holy Communion was a very special indication that what we do together here is real. You certainly realize… and I certainly do, too that establishing the validity of these writings will be no easy job in this world, the way it is now.

Chris is your bellwether now. She and Lenore are rather certain that these teachings are genuine, and three’s a good start… gathered in My Name. So continue to invite her over to hear selected ones, and keep the procedure you are using now – review a number of recent ones before she arrives and then select them according to the direction of the conversation. Do the same thing with Lindy today. Have a number of them available and then select as the combination of our three spirits directs you.

It is appropriate for you to be apprehensive about sharing these. However, I tell you now, o son, that in years ahead you shall look back and smile at this apprehension. The process of validation has begun.

OCT. 8, 1980, 5:26 AM

Validation is certainly what you experienced yesterday, o son. Chris obviously is a person who responds well to these teachings, but her lovely emotional reaction to the meditation on Holy Communion was a very special indication that what we do together here is real. You certainly realize… and I certainly do, too that establishing the validity of these writings will be no easy job in this world, the way it is now.

Chris is your bellwether now. She and Lenore are rather certain that these teachings are genuine, and three’s . . .

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