Values And Perceptions

TUES., OCT. 25, 1994, 6:45 AM

Listen… for I am here. If you do listen this morning (and thus far it seems to be difficult) you shall hear Me speak of some values and perceptions that I have… and that I recommend to you. They are not in any “order” of importance, for one may be critical in one situation and another… in another. Hear, o son.

Which comes first, the value or the perception? Again, they tend to be reciprocal. Values already established certainly affect perceptions, even determine such. But then you may have a perception of some event or situation which can lead to a change in values. When the situations in life are not constant, values and perceptions both may be reinforced… or modified… sometimes even changed radically.

It is good to put a high value on life. Yet life is competitive, with some life forms thriving at the expense of others. So, should human life always be valued over other forms of life? Should large amounts of money be expended so that a single life can be prolonged? Aha, you see now that the perception of life is that of the body, rather than of the spirit and soul. If you perceive life as only somewhat related to this physical body then the value on the preservation of physical life should go down. I say to you, very clearly, that medical treatments prolong some lives what I would call excessively. The notion that I am in favor of all of this life prolongation is a form of idolatry.

Life is fundamentally spirit, and each of you is an immortal soul. This is what is important. Is it true that bodily death does end some important relationships, but this is as often good as it is bad. Those who survive must now establish changed and new relationships, which often are growth producing. And the one whose body dies is now freed to establish and reestablish relationships in another realm or realms. Many souls are truly surprised by those waiting to welcome them into the next form of life.

TUES., OCT. 25, 1994, 6:45 AM

Listen… for I am here. If you do listen this morning (and thus far it seems to be difficult) you shall hear Me speak of some values and perceptions that I have… and that I recommend to you. They are not in any “order” of importance, for one may be critical in one situation and another… in another. Hear, o son.

Which comes first, the value or the perception? Again, they tend to be reciprocal. Values already established certainly affect perceptions, even determine such. But then you may have a perception . . .

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