Variety In Fundamentalism

FRI., SEPT. 27, 1991, 6:11 AM

The Letter called Ruminations, which we do together shall soon be mailed and otherwise distributed. Its theme is the variety that I, as the Creator God, have created and which I have allowed to develop. Though I have preferences as to what and how humans ought to be and do I also truly like variety. This is an important part of My emphasis with you, and therefore you will certainly do another Letter with this as the focus. It may be the next one… or sometime later.

This morning, as you watch the dawn approaching, I shall offer you some observations about fundamentalist Christians. This means Christians who perceive themselves as knowing the fundamental truths about relationship with Me and living in harmony with these. The sometimes unfortunate result of the variety I see is the tendency to reject those (even fellow Christians), whose fundamentalism is not as theirs is.

Let’s start with and get rid of the negative aspect of this first. Non-fundamentalist Christians also come in quite a variety. One “group” would be those who are church members, but for no clear spiritual reasons. They feel better when they come to church, but the gospel message is not an important one in their total lives. Some are active, but more for social than for spiritual reasons. Some started to come as children, but their faith remains childlike and undeveloped. Typically, they don’t know the Holy Scriptures well at all, and this lack is only slightly bothersome… or not at all. When they talk about their faith it tends to center on being a church member, and they just aren’t sure of much at all in relation to Me, their Triune God.

But now to fundamentalists… those who have a rather clear interpretation of what the Christian life is and should be. The majority who would accept this appellation are committed to My Holy Scriptures as the Word of God. They accept, of course, that I, as Jesus, am ultimately the Word, but most don’t trust direct messages from Me. Some do, either ones that they receive themselves or ones that come via anointed ones, such as My servant Mabel.

Thus, particular verses of Scripture become the bed-rock basis for desirable, even acceptable, conduct. “The Bible says…” and hence an act is approved or condemned. They tend to reject relativism as an invention of sinful humans and feel comfortable with absolute standards. Thus, there tends to be much focus on sin, because most can’t meet all of these absolute standards all of the time. Many feel that sexual standards are of most concern to Me. Many hold to “Thou shalt not kill” in relation to abortion and suicide, and yet I have to smile when this absolute standard doesn’t apply to war and capital punishment.

Another group that I see as fundamentalist (though they generally would not call themselves such) are those who focus on grace, the gift that came with My death and resurrection as Jesus. They value Holy Scripture, but look for applications of this to these modern times. They accept that some of Scripture is custom, in another time and culture. Scripture is for present enlightenment, along with present day guidance from Me, as the Holy Spirit… and not absolute truth, word for word.

Grace says, “I accept you as you are… come along with Me and let’s be close friends.” Forgiveness is assured, so conduct is guided by appreciation for My generous gift rather than by fear of punishment. Relativism is reality because this gospel message is part of the lives of an incredibly diverse Body of Christians, in churches with a wide range of approaches to worship.

FRI., SEPT. 27, 1991, 6:11 AM

The Letter called Ruminations, which we do together shall soon be mailed and otherwise distributed. Its theme is the variety that I, as the Creator God, have created and which I have allowed to develop. Though I have preferences as to what and how humans ought to be and do I also truly like variety. This is an important part of My emphasis with you, and therefore you will certainly do another Letter with this as the focus. It may be the next one... or sometime later.

This morning, as you . . .

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