
THURS., MAY 13, 1993, 6:50 AM

Every now and again, o son, you need some verification that what you are doing and how you are functioning in this earth scene is as it should be and as I want it to be. Yesterday was a day of several such verifications.

The day began with the usual Wednesday morning breakfast/study/discussion. There was good interaction, and you did what you could to keep the talk related somewhat to the Beatitude of Blessed are those who are persecuted for My sake. I have told you that you need not suffer real persecution, but that being a Christian always has a certain risk.

You had to “fix” the proposal for your presentation on the spiritual dimension to health to include health service folk. You did that, with some thought as to what you would say, suspecting that there may be less acceptance of a spiritual approach to care than of this emphasis in teaching. This you’ll have to consider as the time approaches. Yet it did verify that you are one identified as he who can and should speak to the spiritual as an important dimension of health.

The Board meeting seemed to confirm that while you have a mundane task to do, which keeps the grounds attractive, you need not involve yourself more fully in this ministry. It is a unique one, and it has some merit, even as I would like to have it more of an overt Christian ministry. Yet I do understand the feelings and motivations of students today. Many have not given up on Me, but I don’t seem important enough to acknowledge, when most of what they learn doesn’t involve Me… or even denies Me and My Way.

Your role in countering this was verified as you noted the number who selected the question on spiritual health to answer, in the International Health exam. Go ahead. Stop and count. See, 14 out of 23… a popular question. You see that you should strengthen the Christian “version” of spirituality next year, with more emphasis on Dr. Hale’s motivations and commitment. Today you shall tabulate the perspectives that your Death Education students claimed, and you shall be proud of the testimonies that some of them have written to their faith in Me and My role in their lives. This one presentation, and its followup, is a strong verification of your role as a teacher who includes the Christian path as one quite worthy of humans, even university students.

Then there were two old-time former students who remembered your courses, your teaching, and you… and told you so. This is another verification that you are doing well what you were destined and chosen to do. Oh, there are some difficulties, but basically you do enjoy what you now do, and you would do it for the satisfaction it brings just in the doing. But when you have visits that tell you that you have been doing well over the years, the enjoyment increases. Your friend Jerry exaggerated a bit, but even in so doing he verified that you are a valuable part of the “Survival team.” You do add dimensions, including the spiritual, to that course that no one else does. And you do it both by what you say and how you are with them. I am not opposed to your giving this up, for I have called for some pruning of responsibilities, but I do appreciate what you add to that course, to those who do hear you.

THURS., MAY 13, 1993, 6:50 AM

Every now and again, o son, you need some verification that what you are doing and how you are functioning in this earth scene is as it should be and as I want it to be. Yesterday was a day of several such verifications.

The day began with the usual Wednesday morning breakfast/study/discussion. There was good interaction, and you did what you could to keep the talk related somewhat to the Beatitude of Blessed are those who are persecuted for My sake. I have told you that you need . . .

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