Violence And Health

WED., OCT. 27, 1993, 5:48 AM

Violence is a part of earth life. Often violence is portrayed as sin and against My Will… “if only I could have My Way there would be no violence, and you all would still be in the Garden… naked, but crowded.” Well, you know that My message to you is that this is quite untrue. I provoked the first act of violence in My Judeo-Christian story, and Cain slew Abel, quite violently. Next I caused a great flood, and all but a select few of humankind died. There is no portrayal of this scene in the Scriptures, but you can imagine the violence that took place as people tried to save themselves and their loved ones.

Noah’s curse upon his son, Ham, was not physical abuse, directly, but it certainly was psychological abuse, resulting in social abuse, even for generations ahead. I destroyed the tower at Babel, and this was a violent act that must have killed or injured some number. I allowed Sarai to become violent with Hagar, and she ultimately sent the maid and her (and Abram’s) son, Ishmael, off into the desert, which was quite a “non-garden” experience.

The whole story of Joseph began with an act of violence, even as it was a selling into slavery rather than killing. Then as the story of My chosen people moved into the time of Kings there was much violence, as the lesson of last Sunday clearly proclaimed. It’s hard for you to imagine a king killing all of his siblings just to be safe… or killing 10,000 men and then forcing 10,000 more off of a cliff so that they were smashed on the rocks below. You try to imagine such a scene, and it is hard to believe that this is part of My Story. But it is.

As I have told you repeatedly this earth realm is unique among My realms, and one of its special characteristics is this violence. I actually cause some of the violence, directly and indirectly, and I allow much more. Oh, it can get out of balance at times, but never doubt that I still am in charge. Remember that I have repeatedly prevented the exchange of nuclear bombs and warheads that would have devastated My earth. Guns are violent weapons, but these nuclear “devices” are an excess that I couldn’t allow.

But what of the violence of which you read each day. Children are shot. Elders are assaulted and robbed. More people have guns in order to protect themselves, but often these weapons kill an unintended victim. Why do I allow such violence?

War is violent, but war is a means of encouraging spiritual growth. Some wars produce more harm than good, but I choose not to manage details completely. I do prevent some wars, and some destruction in wars. You just don’t know what any war would be like if I were not in some measure of control, as I am.

I have told you that the human population is growing beyond sustainability of the earth’s health. Violence is one means to at least slow this growth. Another alternative would be to allow the mutation of some tiny organism that would cause the death of many. This would bring forth efforts by science to combat this organism, as is now happening with the AIDS virus. This can be a very spirited enterprise, and some shall turn to Me as they are part of it, as healer or as victim.

WED., OCT. 27, 1993, 5:48 AM

Violence is a part of earth life. Often violence is portrayed as sin and against My Will… “if only I could have My Way there would be no violence, and you all would still be in the Garden… naked, but crowded.” Well, you know that My message to you is that this is quite untrue. I provoked the first act of violence in My Judeo-Christian story, and Cain slew Abel, quite violently. Next I caused a great flood, and all but a select few of humankind died . . .

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