Violence, Yet Again

SUN., JUNE 2, 1985, 6:11 AM

Violence, o son, is a part of the earth scene that I created and continue to create. It is simply necessary for this creation… as a contrast to gentleness and compassion that (is) are the characteristics I favor. There must be opposites that complement each other if either one is to be truly noticed. Even life itself becomes more noticeable and clear when it is sharply contrasted with death.

In My story usually called The Good Samaritan this stranger on the road is pictured as one who risked harm to himself to give gentle assistance, saving a life and being concerned for his continued well being. Yet there would be no such ending if there had been no initial violence… no robbery and beating, leaving the traveler for dead. Also the ending contrasted with the timidity, self-centeredness, and lack of compassion shown by the priest and the Levite. Without the contrast the gentle, compassionate act seems ordinary.

The story you saw last evening in movie form was one that told of and vividly showed extreme violence. It ranged from the quietness of physical strength to the power of modern explosives. There was much death depicted, so that a few might live again as free men. Could I accept such destruction. Recall that I caused the death of many Egyptians in bringing My chosen people, the Jews, out of bondage. I caused and allowed the deaths of many more as part of “giving them” the land of milk and honey. My love was manifested through the violent deaths of many others, also My creations.

Creation and destruction are also complementary. Creation requires destruction to give it real value. As you thought yesterday, if every sperm cell created became a living person the value of human life would be zilch. If there were no violence there would be much silent suffering, with the “good” smothering the good.

As Jesus I didn’t “have to” die. I could have been an itinerant preacher with a long life, giving many sermons and performing miracles. Yet without the violent death, at an early age, My fundamental message about eternal life and about grace and forgiveness would not as likely have been remembered.

In the story of violent John there would have been no need for him to be violent if so many others had not pursued him, seeking to capture or kill him. You can be gentle and accepting of a few slow moving wasps here in your study (and I do approve of not taking life away needlessly, even of insects). However, if a large number of angry, vengeful wasps invaded this sanctuary you would be right in doing violence, and many of them would die because you could exert greater power. Still… insignificant as each of them would be, their combined capacity to sting might overcome you, and your superior capacity to deal out violence would have been neutralized. And so it could have been with John, beaten by superior numbers despite his superior personal power.

SUN., JUNE 2, 1985, 6:11 AM

Violence, o son, is a part of the earth scene that I created and continue to create. It is simply necessary for this creation… as a contrast to gentleness and compassion that (is) are the characteristics I favor. There must be opposites that complement each other if either one is to be truly noticed. Even life itself becomes more noticeable and clear when it is sharply contrasted with death.

In My story usually called The Good Samaritan this stranger on the road is pictured as one who risked harm to himself . . .

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