Virtues As Wellsprings

WED., FEB. 10, 1993, 8:50 AM

Your Wellsprings concept of positive health has a moving and therefore a relative quality to it. Human/spiritual interacting is one that you’ve researched and pondered more than others, with its current eight facets… or, you’re right, it’s seven. This Wellspring rises and falls in various ways. You just left a group where there was rather good social interacting, but without the spiritual depth that is present in other groups. You interacted with your own spirit as you walked back, deciding that this time with Me was of prime importance, so your Wellspring went up… even more when you settled down to actually hear Me.

You hope this Wellspring will rise as you have lunch with Matthew. If he doesn’t show, it will go down. The “party” afterward at the Farm could be an extension of the Wellspring or a diminishing. Interaction with your class today will not be as spirit-reaching as some other class sessions… but it might be better than you anticipate.

My message to you this day is that these virtues you have been pondering and discussion can be seen like unto Wellsprings. You will be thrust into or voluntarily enter situations where it is quite clear what actions justice demands. You know this, and if you act accordingly the justice Wellspring is extended toward the full health of the soul. Then there will be situations in which the just act is clear, but you are unable or unwilling to so act, and the Wellspring is considerably lower. Other situations are yours to experience where it is not clear how various actions serve justice best, and some of what you do is not just. Finally, you may have no clear idea of the just action, but what you do turns out to raise the justice Wellspring, at least somewhat.

I cold make a similar statement about courage. Its Wellspring is highest when you know what the courageous act should be, and you carry it out, with courage. And, naturally, the Wellspring is lowest when you both don’t see what the courageous act should be, and you don’t act at all courageously.

Can you see also that when the courage Wellspring is high, the moderation Wellspring may be lowered, for your courageous act may go quite beyond moderation? I have allowed you to have a higher moderation Wellspring in relation to making these Teachings known than the courage ‘spring. If I should push you to declare more openly what you hear Me, the Holy Spirit, saying, it would lower your moderation Wellspring.

Wisdom, which you discern to be a somewhat different virtue, also has its ups and downs. You may have quite a full Wellspring when it comes to My affirmation about life and death, stewardship of the environment, and medical care, for example, but note that your Wellspring goes down which considering the teachings of ancient philosophies. Your wisdom as to how this country should be governed and what laws and what tasks should be enacted is not very impressive. You sometimes wonder whether your wisdom as to how to live this life in the healthiest fashion is as virtuous as it could be.

Thus, you can see that as one virtuous Wellspring goes up, another may be diminished, and that this is an ongoing, dynamic process. It becomes even more complex when My favorite virtues are added to “the mix”. Faith in Me may be more virtuous than continuous courageous action, if such is not what I have called you to do. Hope includes the premise that “justice is Mine, sayeth the Lord”; thus a high hope Wellspring may be only a mild motivation to show forth the courage to make some situation more just, by your actions and influence.

WED., FEB. 10, 1993, 8:50 AM

Your Wellsprings concept of positive health has a moving and therefore a relative quality to it. Human/spiritual interacting is one that you’ve researched and pondered more than others, with its current eight facets… or, you’re right, it’s seven. This Wellspring rises and falls in various ways. You just left a group where there was rather good social interacting, but without the spiritual depth that is present in other groups. You interacted with your own spirit as you walked back, deciding that this time with Me was . . .

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