Visits… And… Quiet Time

SUN., AUG. 6, 1995, 6:06 AM

The summer, as a meteorological season, is far from over, but as a pre-season to the Fall semester it is but two weeks. You had envisioned this as a quiet time, but, in actuality, you now find yourself between visits of families, and your quiet time will be hard to come by. So, you must adapt and be Poppop for more of each day as this season develops. But why do I speak of this on a quiet Sunday morning?

For one important reason… I still want My share of your quiet time, both for Teachings and for contemplation of Teachings past. This must be a priority. You can arrange this unobtrusively, by sleeping less and being careful about “wasted time”… or… you can overtly announce that quiet time is as important to you, at this time in your life, as food, interaction with people (even family), and meaningful activity. I’ll let you decide which approach to take, and with whom.

Family is important to you, and this upcoming visit is with a son, of whom you are very proud. But his family is large and somewhat diverse, and hence you will have to return to that onerous task of rationing your time and attention, among all who want or need it. You still have some work responsibilities, as well as some here on the Farm (some of which you can share). You must also remember that Lenore has her responsibilities that will not go away, as well as her needs for you and for quiet time. All in all, this will be quite a balancing act for the two of you, just into your eighty decade of earth life.

I recommend spending less time with the morning and evening news for this time of visiting. It is unlikely that you will miss out on crucial world events if you cut this ration to a bare minimum. Be conscious about this, even starting today. (You know that you could be reading the morning paper with more thoroughness instead of listening to Me and writing.)

It is important that you continue to plan for your Adult Forum, commencing in 3 weeks. This little “User’s Guide…” book will be helpful in starting and in giving you alternatives for the stories you select, but it, the format and materials, still needs your time and attention. And don’t forget that you have a newsletter that you promised to get out before that start-up Sunday. (Isn’t it exciting to have multiple uses for your time?!)

The most important portion of your morning Bible study, now focusing on John, is coming up, those chapters 14-16. This is My discourse, as Jesus, with My disciples, and you remember it as a crucial element in your born-again experience, these many years ago. Start the study of this even today…and, yes, encourage son Bob to go with you this Wednesday… but don’t let the resulting socializing take too much time from the actual discussion of the text.

SUN., AUG. 6, 1995, 6:06 AM

The summer, as a meteorological season, is far from over, but as a pre-season to the Fall semester it is but two weeks. You had envisioned this as a quiet time, but, in actuality, you now find yourself between visits of families, and your quiet time will be hard to come by. So, you must adapt and be Poppop for more of each day as this season develops. But why do I speak of this on a quiet Sunday morning?

For one important reason… I still want My share of . . .

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