Wait Upon The Lord

FEB. 27, 1981, 4:05 PM

You have come in the late hours of the light of day, drawn to hear what I shall teach you about waiting upon the Lord. Fret not that this title may have appeared before. It is a good one that can herald much important instruction. For in all kinds of times, good, bad and some of each, your call is to wait upon Me. I shall direct, and I shall lead. Trust in Me. Trust Me, personally, for I am Friend as well as Lord.

You waited upon Me (though it was far from outright and demonstrative) and I directed that you assume the responsibility for the course dealing with the Environment and health. Through that you can develop your competence in relation to the environment, but it also shall be a unique subject from which to teach toward the spiritual dimension. You shall, of course, develop it in positive ways, as much as possible, and shall emphasize the spiritual opportunities and responsibilities in relation to this planet Earth. I created it as a Garden, as I have told you, and I want you to keep it thus. Wait upon Me for help in developing those emphases.

Wait upon Me in relation to your sons. Pray for them and talk with them… and hear them. Love them and appreciate the ways in which they diverge from you. Appreciate how I deal with you, and use this as a kind of model. I give you many things to do, and seldom is one done just as and just when I requested. Yet I continue to love you and encourage you, assuring you that there are more opportunities ahead. Why don’t you do exactly as I instruct you? Because you are yet upon the path and still feeling other responsibilities. Your busyness is a bit more justifiable than Matthew’s, but it is a matter of degree rather than kind. Ponder this and see how it affects your behavior.

Wait upon Me in relation to your best living place. I shall not give you an answer now, but you know that the Farm is something special for you and your family. Just be aware that I may direct you or influence you in relation to that best living place.

Wait upon Me in your writing of the Newsletter. Feel My Spirit intertwine with yours and listen for the special words and phrases that shall make it pages beyond news. This continues to be your unique opportunity. Do it with My help.

Wait upon Me for the important writings that still lie ahead. Your Wednesday scheme was a good one in theory, but you haven’t given it priority. When you return from the Texas trip that shall be essential. That must be started, and your feeling for that dimension and its relation to human/spiritual stories must be rejuvenated. The other priorities need to be “worked in” at other times. Be aware of responsibilities you take on that shift your rhythm away from Me and My priorities. Changes are yours to make.

Wait upon Me for guidance in working with students in the spiritual realms. You have started with Dave, and that should be good for both of you. Know that I shall provide other opportunities that you should recognize and follow up. This shall be especially fulfilling.

Wait upon the Lord. This should be so simple. You certainly know from these teachings that I have great capacities to direct. I liked the Death Education class on Thursday, all built on stories. We did that together. I’m sure you didn’t mind a bit of My help. I can tell you of Enlightenment and you can know, in words and in principle, what it means. But when you reach it you shall find waiting upon Me all the time as easy as writing these meditations. As you are in this spirit you truly wonder why you don’t retain this relationship in all your waking moments. It is not yet true reality to you. You are upon other paths as well as Mine. I shall not force you to wait upon Me more. But it shall come. For you do advance toward the Light.

Wait upon Me as you construct and conduct your classes… have fellowship with Merrill and Lorraine… and travel home. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Don’t you need Me?

Shalom, o son
4:57 PM