Waiting For The Master

FRI., MAR. 16, 1984, 5:53 AM

Yes, o son, you did wait for Me, the teaching voice of your Master this morning. It is good, sometimes, to have to wait, with, hopefully, the right amount of anticipation and non-anticipation. While it is good to anticipate active relationship with Me, it is not good to anticipate what I shall say. You really do not know what this Teaching shall encompass, but you shall wait and listen.

Fairly early in life you came to accept and know that I am the Master of your life, that I am interested in your life and will assume some direction of it. Some will not have this perception, because My influence in their lives is not nearly so evident. It is not unfair to those who do not hear My voice, say I, though I realize some are frustrated in wanting to listen, yet hearing nothing. I must wait for some to grow and develop. And some must wait upon Me, as Master, with patience and in love.

No one can demand My presence. No one can earn a place of active service for Me. It is My will and pleasure to call some who are rather to quite reluctant… and to leave some who are eager and ready waiting… and waiting… for a call. Some of these, in frustration, will “fake” a call and be fervently responding to that which has originated in self rather than in Me. I love such folks, for their motivations are commendable, but, still, they should be waiting.

To an action-oriented person waiting seems like a “waste of time”. And, in terms of efficient use of time, I must admit that it is. However, time is not a reality to Me, except as I accept its role in earth life, an important one in some cultural groups, nor is efficiency a main value. My major purpose is to help in the various processes of spiritual growth, and some of that can only come, truly, with liberal doses of waiting.

You tend to be one who does something else… while waiting. You do not really like to “waste time”, so when I ceased My call to you in 1964-5, you went ahead developing your career and serving in a number of ways. Still, in your spirit you knew you were waiting, and you were only superficially surprised when I called you to this learning/serving task. As I have told you, you did not earn it… I did not call you because of what you had accomplished… but I can use the position you have achieved. I was not waiting on you, but I am pleased with what you did while waiting.

Why wait for the Master? Isn’t the direction of your own life of supreme value? In your culture it is, and this is the conflict from which much growth is possible. You know that I don’t wrench away complete control, but, instead, I walk with you, guiding and influencing toward ways that lead to growth and ways that will serve Me.

It is only when you are in this relationship that you can come to understand the many faceted title of Master. It has the connotation of one who is in complete control… such as the Master-slave relationship. It connotes the ability and capacity to dominate. It has a protector function. It denotes the one most able. The spiritual Master is the one who has the desired development and can “show the way”. The true Master dominates and directs gently, subtly, and with love. And this process always involves some amount of waiting.

FRI., MAR. 16, 1984, 5:53 AM

Yes, o son, you did wait for Me, the teaching voice of your Master this morning. It is good, sometimes, to have to wait, with, hopefully, the right amount of anticipation and non-anticipation. While it is good to anticipate active relationship with Me, it is not good to anticipate what I shall say. You really do not know what this Teaching shall encompass, but you shall wait and listen.

Fairly early in life you came to accept and know that I am the Master of your life, that I am . . .

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