Waiting For The Spirit

SAT., OCT. 6, 1984, 6:39 AM

You have waited this morning, o son, for that beginning which is familiar by this time, but is thus recognizable in its absence. You did not hear Me, and you did not see a title as you have come to expect. So you wait… and not very patiently. You have come to expect My presence with you, and rather quickly, so you do not wait with ease.

Patience is an important virtue, and it comes with spiritual development. You have taken a life in middle class America, where patience often is seen as a weakness. The prime value is to “make things happen”… “get the ball rolling” “take the initiative”… and you, My son, have strong tendencies to respond to this value. This is part of what has made you successful as a professional, and you know that I am using this attainment for My purposes. So I am not against initiative and I realize that lack of ambition and lethargy can easily be passed off as patience.

Balance is the key, of course, and being able to wait can be as important as being ready for action. Sometimes waiting can be a time of reflection and contemplation of the relationships between what has been and what it is that you anticipate. Waiting can be an exciting, creative time. Yet what I had you do this morning (and other times as well) required an emptying of self and a waiting with no exciting thoughts… a complete openness to Me, which seems “boring” to your rational mind, but is necessary for the process to begin.

Lo, I am with you always… but there are times when I do not influence you directly, often as tests of your spiritual development. At other times you do not hear Me or do not heed what you hear. I want My will to be heeded in your life, but it is so much better if you come to a course of action or to a conclusion with, basically, your own resources, rather than through My direct influence. I do influence you, and I have told you this honestly, but… and here is the paradox… I don’t want you waiting around for Me in every instance. And yet I do.

As a parent you still would like to influence your sons (particularly your youngest), and you would like to have them wait upon you and your wisdom at times. Still, you expect them to be growing in their own ways, acting without consulting you, which is an evidence of maturity. So it is with Me and those whom I have called to special relationships. I am pleased when you come in this morning hour, and it seems unnecessary, even cruel, to have you wait… but if you are going to hear Me clearly you must reduce the musings of your own mind… and for more than just an instant. You must wait for Me. I must not come just “at your command.”

It involves the reciprocal nature of a friendship. I am patient with you, certainly, and so I must cultivate patience in you toward Me. How long would you wait? We both know you had some thoughts about doing something else, as you considered how much time you had “wasted”. When would you have succumbed to those rational conclusions? Consider that I might want you to spend an entire hour just waiting. (You have spent this amount of time waiting for other events, though not with ideal patience. So it would not be something entirely different that I ask of you.)

SAT., OCT. 6, 1984, 6:39 AM

You have waited this morning, o son, for that beginning which is familiar by this time, but is thus recognizable in its absence. You did not hear Me, and you did not see a title as you have come to expect. So you wait… and not very patiently. You have come to expect My presence with you, and rather quickly, so you do not wait with ease.

Patience is an important virtue, and it comes with spiritual development. You have taken a life in middle class America, where patience often is . . .

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