Walk In The Sun, O Son

MON., JULY 20, 1987, 12:51 PM

I have many ways of working, o son. Normally you must sit quietly and remove yourself from the concerns of the day and await the title, and then the Teaching/Meditation. But while you are here in this more overtly spiritual atmosphere you can expect that the theme, even the title, of a Teaching will arise at some other time. You can imagine how I could teach you if you didn’t have other tasks! Just enjoy and profit from this while it lasts.

I directed you into the sun this morning, for I wanted that supreme physical creation of Mine to be a means to learning. In one of the creation stories there is the implication that the earth was created before the sun, and that is utterly false. Without the sun this planet would be completely lifeless. The sun makes life possible. This symbolizes that the spirit is created before the body, even though the body may grow and develop to quite an extent before the spirit enters and energizes the person. In like fashion the earth grew and developed, and even human-like creatures were in the earth before I infused spirit and made of these creatures creations of God, with immortal souls.

The sun is the analog to Me as Almighty God. You like the sun, and you are quite willing to walk in its warmth, even its heat. In your culture, committed in many ways to comfort, there are many influences to stay out of the sun. “Stay in the shade”… “Stay in the wonderful air conditioned building” are messages that abound. Yet I say, “Walk in the sun.”

Some people find a walk in the sun uncomfortable; you do not. Some people would find a walk like this one of yours that is so close to Me uncomfortable; you do not. You actually feel good in the sun, even without trying. But you also know that it is good to be in the sun. Again, the analog is apt.

There are medical voices that say “The sun can be dangerous. If you must be in it, protect yourself.” There are secular/cultural voices that say, “There is danger in making this kind of a ‘walk-with’ commitment to a Spirit. You could go ‘too far’… protect yourself.” Some people do develop skin cancer, and some people do not develop balance in responding to My call. But each is a minority with certain non-normal flaws. Continue in the sun on the path I have given you.

As you walk in the sun you begin to exude moisture. This moisture is a vital part of you, but it can be replaced easily. In symbol form this says that as you walk with Me you shall give off words, concepts, and actions that shall benefit others. These were essentials aspects of you, but they are easily replaced and renewed. You like to sweat, and you like to give out what I offer to you. And just as sweating is appropriate only in certain settings, so, too, is this sharing of which I speak.

Spiritual life tends to be most relevant and most active when there are reminders… symbols which help you be aware of your spirituality and the reality of Me, as Holy Spirit. When that blazing orb, the sun, can be so for you, the chances for spiritual growth increase greatly. Even the absence of the sun on a gloomy day can work for Us together. What a potential means!

MON., JULY 20, 1987, 12:51 PM

I have many ways of working, o son. Normally you must sit quietly and remove yourself from the concerns of the day and await the title, and then the Teaching/Meditation. But while you are here in this more overtly spiritual atmosphere you can expect that the theme, even the title, of a Teaching will arise at some other time. You can imagine how I could teach you if you didn’t have other tasks! Just enjoy and profit from this while it lasts.

I directed you into the . . .

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