Walking The Line

SUN., FEB. 22, 1987, 6:27 AM

“The line” in this title is that which separates the mystical experience from human, secular ones. It also is the symbol of division between the Christian who lives by the Word that I offer and those who only give lip service to the Holy Spirit’s influence in 20th century life. In personal terms it is the line I have you walking, o son.

Now, understand that any actual line that clearly distinguishes those on one side from those on the other is a simplification and not quite accurate, but I shall use the concept this day in this Teaching nevertheless. Humans don’t easily differentiate into sheep and goats, but for today we’ll assume there is a line, and on it you are daily walking.

Some who walk this line in the earth have achieved this through spiritual growth. They have profited from eternal life, some of it lived previously here in the earth, some in other forms of spirit. Some have rather specific tasks, and some of these are self-assigned. I certainly have no objection to individuals developing their own earth tasks. When these are in My service I can easily incorporate them into My overall plans. You see, I have no need to control and direct everything here in the earth. Free will and decisions for Me is an important part of My way in the earth. It just is not the all in all that some Christians would have it to be.

Others who walk the line have been destined by Me to do so. Some accept this and proclaim it rather publicly. Others, like yourself, are more quiet about this earth task and just fulfill the destiny along with the living of earth life in largely secular ways. Some, a few, like the soul who received “A Course in Miracles” walked the line with extreme reluctance and was willing to grow very little from the destined experience.

Walking the line means that you exercise your spiritual connections with Me in ways that are finally mystical, but this is not the total orientation of your life. In your case you are not spiritually advanced enough to live out what I teach you. Yet you grow in the process, because you are willing, even though somewhat reluctant. Your work and your professional life is in a field that has not accepted the mystical, but that now is ready in some interesting ways. You are an active member of a church that largely ignores charismatic gifts and present day revelations… yet you have a small successful class that is a part of the church’s education program.

You were on the secular human (though Christian) side, and I nudged you up onto the line. And I tell you again that this is where I want you – walking the line. You are recording and profiting from My spiritual and other various insights, but you retain your credibility by your active work in your field, in the church, and in the community. It is as important that you continue to say “Shit” occasionally and sing a bawdy song from time to time as it is for you to quote from these Teachings. “The line” is not isolation from either side, but the real capacity to function on both sides.

SUN., FEB. 22, 1987, 6:27 AM

“The line” in this title is that which separates the mystical experience from human, secular ones. It also is the symbol of division between the Christian who lives by the Word that I offer and those who only give lip service to the Holy Spirit’s influence in 20th century life. In personal terms it is the line I have you walking, o son.

Now, understand that any actual line that clearly distinguishes those on one side from those on the other is a simplification and not quite accurate . . .

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