Wanting To Hear…

WED., JAN. 4, 1995, 2:22 PM

I awakened you early this morning, using Charity for this purpose, but you decided chores were more important. You packed this pad and pen for a Teaching here in this quiet place, after two stressful conferences, and here you are, waiting to hear…

You know I always have much to say, but you have no clue as to what I shall say today, now that you are listening. As you go through previous volumes you recognize a few “talks” such as this one, where there is no real “content”… just a friendly indication that I am here, wherever you may be.

Of course you’re hoping I’ll have something to say about this presently lost manuscript. It seems to be missing, after all the years that it “sat” there, waiting to be printed and utilized. It is a good paper. I don’t say that you will find it, but it is a reminder that you are becoming more careless with important papers. A lost manuscript is an important symbol for Us, and you acted appropriately in coming to hear Me… not so I would tell you where the missing paper is, but just… wanting to hear Me.

As you do hear Me you are yet again reminded that Ours is a unique and special relationship. I, the Holy Spirit, speak, in this mystical way, and you hear and write. You have much tangible evidence that you hear Me often, and that I am trying to shape and affect your life, in these remaining years in the earth. You have some desire to know how long this will be, and I have not yet told you. You have reasons to believe both that you will live on for years comparable to those that your parents are living and that you will not have such an extended earth life. Therefore, your actual years of earth living may be some “compromise”… some balancing of tendencies to longevity and to shorter elderly status. I do know the answer, of course, but it would not be to your advantage to know.

I continue to encourage, as I told you recently, the both/and attitude that life could end soon and quickly AND it could continue on indefinitely. You should be ready…and you needn’t be. I like both your desire to know and your acceptance that you can’t know.

You also are wanting to hear how I feel about future surgeries, radiation, or chemotherapy, should such be recommended as proper, medical treatment. You feel well, even as you have insufficient motivation for work you could be doing. You are not in perfect physical health, but your spirit responds well to Me. Your sins are forgiven, and you accept that readily. Will this spiritual health carry you through the forms of physical deteriorative change that you are experiencing? Would these severe medical prescriptions be experiences worth having, or should you continue on your “natural” path, with faith that you will live, wholesomely, for as long as I determine? I certainly can affect your future… but will I?

Wanting to hear means that you have some faith, at least, that I can and will help you be more aware of what is important in life, so that you can appreciate the experience… all of it… more completely. You know that you are unimportant, but I have chosen to come and teach you, in this special, important way. As I said to My disciples, as Jesus, “You did not choose Me… it is I Who chose you.” Now it is mutual, for you do want to hear and to comply as fully as you can.

WED., JAN. 4, 1995, 2:22 PM

I awakened you early this morning, using Charity for this purpose, but you decided chores were more important. You packed this pad and pen for a Teaching here in this quiet place, after two stressful conferences, and here you are, waiting to hear…

You know I always have much to say, but you have no clue as to what I shall say today, now that you are listening. As you go through previous volumes you recognize a few “talks” such as this one, where there is no real “content”… just . . .

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