War And Peace

THURS., APR. 20, 1989, 6:53 AM

The Preacher writes that there is a time for each, and this is now Holy Scripture. Scripture also envisions the time when the lamb shall lie down with the lion and when people shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and shall study war no more. That time is not now, even as there is relative peace.

You spoke yesterday of the war against the earth. To strip the earth of minerals and fuel in order to manufacture the machines and weapons of war, even of defense, is a war in itself. Even as I see the earth’s population of people as becoming excessive I see the earth as yet sufficient to manage all of these. Still, such management requires less greed and affluence on the part of the few and greater opportunities for the many.

I am not a communist who would force this situation and try, through government force to achieve more equality… and yet I am not opposed to the motive. The principle behind it is one of high-spirited and high minded desire for all to share in what a group has and produces. I don’t like the violence, but the motive is Mine.

What I desire most is for those who have to share willingly with those who have not. This would reduce the spirit of competition somewhat and change it, also. One might compete for a larger share in order to be able to personally share more in ways that touch that one’s spirit. The ultimate in such giving would be that to help restore health to African lands… to Laotian lands… giving to people in need whom you don’t know and shall never meet. Under such circumstances, war is least likely.

War develops out of fear and anger. These are emotions that are neutralized by love and a peaceful spirit. Love does cast out fear, and anger usually develops as a response to fear. You become fearful about what someone will do to you, and then you become angry about such a prospect. Governments, including your own, foster such fear and anger about other governments, large and small. It is strange that your government remains hostile toward the governments of Nicaragua and of Cuba and yet less so toward that of the great power of China. You see that I don’t control governments.

Peace is both a condition of spirit and a condition of resource use. Each feeds on the other. The spirits of those who feel peace in their lives are more eager to meet the needs of the world and less concerned about protection and being dominant. When resources are going to improve, directly, the lives of many it is easier to develop and maintain a peaceful, loving spirit. As you might expect, the same feeding process applies to war. This is an aspect of balance in earth life.

Even as you were once a good competitor, yours is now quite a peaceful spirit. You have many opportunities to use your time, talents, and substance in ways quite compatible with your being and your values. This keeps your spirit peaceful. Do what you can to maintain this state of being… so that you need not feel hostile toward others, even a few.

You look out and see a peaceful morning, even as you know some conflicts are already arising. Remember always that even as fear, anger, and the spirit of war are always present in some ways, peace is dominant in My human population. For I am still dominant, despite what some, even some Christian, would proclaim, and the spirit of love and peace that I encourage is that which shall prevail.

The Holy Scriptures tell of much war and conflict. It is part of the story of My relationship with people. I chose to end My earth life as Jesus in the hands of an angry mob. It was a final test of My peaceful Being and an evidence that love could prevail. There are many other ways I could have concluded My bodily earth adventure. This was the one I chose, and I do not regret it. Yet more peaceful ways could also have told a story.

THURS., APR. 20, 1989, 6:53 AM

The Preacher writes that there is a time for each, and this is now Holy Scripture. Scripture also envisions the time when the lamb shall lie down with the lion and when people shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and shall study war no more. That time is not now, even as there is relative peace.

You spoke yesterday of the war against the earth. To strip the earth of minerals and fuel in order to manufacture the machines and weapons of war, even . . .

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