
NOV. 28, 1981, 6:35 AM

Let Us go back this morning, o son, to a theme like unto some you and I wrote on early in this meditative venture. Warmth seems to have possibilities galore for a free-flowing meditation… a different kind of teaching.

You are here in the kitchen this morning because of warmth. You decided to fire up the furnace and the fireplace rather than your own little stove. In these days ahead, unlike the days of summer and early fall now past, you shall have to work for your warmth. This is good… an important result of the change of seasons. The earth is a realm in which the karmic principle is evidenced quite often… as you sow, so shall you reap. If you do not do something this morning there shall not be enough heat in the house.

Now the choices that those in your “advanced” culture have are many. One may be just setting a thermostat and then later paying a bill for fuel expended. I recommend one more like that you are exercising now… where some actual physical labor goes into the production of heat. I am in favor of involvement in life, not in having many important things done for you and to which you pay no or little attention. Now I admit that life in earlier times… and in some places in the earth this very day… the involvement necessary or life is excessive, particularly where generating warmth is a true necessity. (You made the mistake… one of the costs of trying to do other tasks while you listen to Me. Concentrate on this one for the time I require.) Technology means that excessive time and effort need not be expended for the “necessities of life”, meaning that you do have time for more spirit-increasing matters. Yet, alas, even you succumb to the other temptations for time use. You spend time on daily news, and you watch innocuous television programs when you could be writing letters that shall challenge your spirit and shall encourage the development of spirit in others. In a symbolic sense this would be warmth, while the less desirable pursuits represent lack of warmth.

The spiritual life is a life of involvement, with the earth in which you abide temporarily, and with the people you come to be with, some by “chance” and some out of purpose. The spirit “warms” as you involve yourself in the flow of life… such as generating warmth. And the warmth increases as your life rhythm contains a balance of service to others. Never feel that writing the church newsletter is a chore or something to be done hurriedly. It is your special contribution, one essentially of spirit. Be as certain as you can be that spirit is put into that short publication so that it can be discerned by the spirits of those who read it.

NOV. 28, 1981, 6:35 AM

Let Us go back this morning, o son, to a theme like unto some you and I wrote on early in this meditative venture. Warmth seems to have possibilities galore for a free-flowing meditation… a different kind of teaching.

You are here in the kitchen this morning because of warmth. You decided to fire up the furnace and the fireplace rather than your own little stove. In these days ahead, unlike the days of summer and early fall now past, you shall have to work for your warmth. This is good . . .

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