Water… My Abundant Resource

FRI., JUNE 26, 1998, 5:25 AM

Today is predicted to be about like yesterday… hot, humid, and dry, meaning no rain. One of My most important “creations” was… and is… the water cycle, which had to be “in place” before other forms of earth life could thrive. It would be interesting to you that more of the surface of this small planet is covered with water than with land. Yet much of this is salty, which greatly limits its direct use. Enter the water cycle, with the heat from the sun evaporating salty water, forming it into clouds, and then releasing it as drinkable, usable rain or other precipitation.

Some portions of the land, for several reasons, get insufficient water, naturally, to support human life… and its needs. You humans have been aware of the importance of water, and you have developed various ways of bringing it up from below ground and of moving it to where it is needed. Because you have your own well you are more aware than most of your fellow Americans how dependent you are, finally, on a pump, on electricity, and on a repairman who can restore the “system” to action again. Urban Americans are dependent on a system that is highly complex and beyond individual control.

So, how is all of this relevant to a Teaching from Holy Spirit? Well, you know that one of the courses you helped develop and taught up until “the end” was one on the Environment, and I have offered you many thoughts on the need for living in balance with the whole web of life, which does include the need for usable water. All of this finally involves the balance among the number of humans, their desire and capacity to produce the food they want, their aspirations for “progress” (which then involves other uses of land)… and available, usable water. This would seem to be primarily a physical and social issue, but these humans are, finally, souls, and of much interest to Me.

I have allowed you humans to reproduce beyond what is prudent for this finite earth. I have allowed technical development, electronic and mechanical. The more complex any human society becomes the more important the supply of water becomes. Water is necessary to grow food. Industrial processes require water. People want water for cleanliness, and you give little thought to flushing your toilets… where the water comes from and where it goes.

There is no potential crisis in your land, at least in your lifetime (but you do hope that your underground source of water will last your lifetime). But I have brought your attention to that most populous nation, China, which was once a friend, then an enemy, and now, apparently, a friend again. With a population 4-5 times greater than yours, with less arable land, and with great needs and capacities for industrialization the resource that was once abundant, then sufficient, will soon be insufficient.

FRI., JUNE 26, 1998, 5:25 AM

Today is predicted to be about like yesterday… hot, humid, and dry, meaning no rain. One of My most important “creations” was… and is… the water cycle, which had to be “in place” before other forms of earth life could thrive. It would be interesting to you that more of the surface of this small planet is covered with water than with land. Yet much of this is salty, which greatly limits its direct use. Enter the water cycle, with the heat from the sun evaporating salty water, forming it into . . .

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