Waves Of Change

THURS., JAN. 10, 1991, 6:48 AM

You, o son, have responded as I wanted you to in coming for your Teaching here in this place. The waves roll in and smash against the rocks below. Behind you traffic moves along and people in the city behind you are waking up to a new day. This shall be another warm day here as you change your setting. But you know that is always the best start for a day when you hear Me and write what you hear, in this mystical practice of Ours.

There is much continuing change in this earth that I have created. Humans were created with brains and much capacity to be dissatisfied with life as it is and to change the circumstances. It would be silly to recreate Biblical times in actuality… or even to go back 30 years. This does not say that every new idea is a better one than those previous, however.

In a fair analogy change is like unto the waves you see before you. Some waves are rather large and can be seen forming rather far out. At the other extreme are bare ripples which never really form at all. And yet waves come, relentlessly. The rocky coast seems to withstand the ordinary waves, being basically no different today than it was yesterday. Still, there are small effects, as the waves come continuously.

So it is in this small land you are visiting. The waves of change have rolled over this people, and some changes have been permanent. Yet there still are some folks here whose lives are not greatly different as a result of these changes. Some think differently. Some not. Some feel a new Cuban spirit. Others have felt such spirit all along, while still other feel little spirit in their daily lives.

The waves seem to diminish now. There could be a time of placidness in this sea… followed by a storm where waves would break clear over this wall. Change is variable in strength, but there always is the sea and the coast and, thus, waves. Change is like unto this. When there are people…and a culture… and outside influences, there shall be waves of change, some of which will have great effects and others, less. And as I, the Sustainer God, have some effect upon these waves so I have an effect upon change.

The statement made last night is true – communism and Christianity link together quite easily. When the profit from enterprises great and small go back to help those who need it the most this is vibrant Christian life. Oh, it is comparable when one who profits personally gives of that profit that others might benefit. The socialist ethic, however, represents the desire to institutionalize this sharing rather than trusting in the sharing spirit’s capacity to overcome greed.

And so a system where all benefit comes into being. Yet all is not perfect, and change comes, as the waves you see below. Perhaps your country, in its desire to control, may force changes. And then another wave will roll in and even that change will be changed.

The sky changes. It is a new day. It will be somewhat like and somewhat different than yesterday. Will any experience bring a change in you? You can imagine changes that could occur which would make your life different… better… or worse. You cannot imagine giving up this relationship with Me. Could there be such a circumstance? Could you lose your health… your profession… your wife and family… your capacity to think?

Your life, however, is more like a rocky coast than a sandy beach. The wavs of change shall have little effect because of your values and your faith. Your life is grounded in Me, and I shall be with you as the waves of change lap or pound. Be eager for changes, and the effects shall be mostly positive. Absorb the blows and know that I love and protect this earth and the spirits that so inhabit it. From such a base of understanding little harm can come with change.

THURS., JAN. 10, 1991, 6:48 AM

You, o son, have responded as I wanted you to in coming for your Teaching here in this place. The waves roll in and smash against the rocks below. Behind you traffic moves along and people in the city behind you are waking up to a new day. This shall be another warm day here as you change your setting. But you know that is always the best start for a day when you hear Me and write what you hear, in this mystical practice of Ours.

There is much . . .

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