We Sow Our Seed…

SUN., JULY 26, 1992, 6:05 AM

The sermon this morning shall relate in some way to the parable I told, as Jesus, about the sower going forth to sow seed. As the story went, some of the seed didn’t get into the ground at all and was eaten by birds (and, of course, this is a way that birds, also creatures of Mine, live). Other seed got into rocky soil, so when it came up and there wasn’t sufficient rain the little plants withered and died. Other seed took root in good ground, but there also were weeds, so that some of the plants lost out to sturdier competition. But, finally, some seed got into rich, nourishing soil and grew up to produce grain for food and also more seed for the next planting.

The explanation for this parable, as Luke records it, is that this seed represents My Word, as it goes forth to people. Some just don’t hear the Word, or reject it outright. Others hear, but other messages about living are stronger, and My Word just “can’t compete.” Then there are those who hear and heed, but the competing stories and principles are finally too strong. My Word is heard, but the weeds are so hardy… But then there are those who hear, who accept and internalize what I have said, and whose lives are enriched and guided by the Word of the Lord.

Here the emphasis has been all on the “ground” itself… or the variety of humans in their reactions to various messages that come forth from Me. I certainly realize this variety and diversity, for I am the continuing Creator. The other variable, however, is the way the seed is sown. Translating this to My Word, this is one of the chief advantages of My… or Our… being Three in One. Some respond readily to My being God Almighty, with all of My Words and Works in the Old Testament story. In that story I range from gentle, forgiving Father to powerful, avenging Sovereign. Some come to Me in fear and in awe of My majestic Being.

Others come to Me as Jesus, the Son. I was born into the earth to an unwed, young mother. I grew to be a vigorous but gentle Jewish man, who went about teaching, preaching, and healing. Some of what I said and did is in the four Gospel accounts. In addition, Paul’s letters interpret some of My message, but also reflect My influence as Holy Spirit.

As Holy Spirit I teach and influence in ways relating and not relating to Holy Scripture. As with you I sometimes teach rather directly. Mostly, however, I just influence minds and spirits in a variety of mystical ways. I help interpret Scripture, and I also teach for the time and the culture, for, as I have told you many times, some Scriptural teachings are based in Hebrew culture of 2,000 to 4,000 years back. Other truths must emerge for the time and the place of your life. That’s one of My “major responsibilities.”

There is one other factor, and that is the nature of the seed. Is it a gentle truth, or a medium or harsh one? Is it a story to be interpreted or a straight statement, such as “When I go, the Holy Spirit will come amongst you, to teach, to counsel, and to be your Friend.” Or is it an action, such as the Day of Pentecost when I came forth as wind and fire?

SUN., JULY 26, 1992, 6:05 AM

The sermon this morning shall relate in some way to the parable I told, as Jesus, about the sower going forth to sow seed. As the story went, some of the seed didn’t get into the ground at all and was eaten by birds (and, of course, this is a way that birds, also creatures of Mine, live). Other seed got into rocky soil, so when it came up and there wasn’t sufficient rain the little plants withered and died. Other seed took root in good ground, but there . . .

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