
THURS., APR. 30, 1998, 6:41 AM

You don’t like this term, when it applies to you, but, as a servant of Mine, you need to face its application. All of you humans have different forms of weakness. Yet weakness is evident, mostly, in contrast with strength. If there were no weakness it would be difficult to acknowledge strength.

Your left hand is weak. It has lost strength that it once had, as well as feeling and control. You hope, first, that you will retain some use of it… that there will be no further loss. The next hope is that the condition can be reversed, and that you’ll have it functional and feeling again. It is hard to consider this as a permanent weakness, and yet you are adapting in some effective ways. It is worrisome, for it is your “good body” that is beginning to show weakness in this 7th decade.

This morning you have a hangover and a less than complete recollection of all that happened at the “luau”. This, of course, is evidence of another weakness, or, perhaps better, a combination of weaknesses. You know you have a tendency to overdrink in certain situations… when it is free and available. Such it was last night. You didn’t consider that Wednesday was your “get up early” day, with a full day of activity following. You needed to relax, but you overdid it. You’ve learned a lesson, but will it affect behavior in the future? It is a weakness that lessons like this dim in significance with time and more sober behavior. But, then, it is strength to have confidence in yourself, giving little attention to the “negatives” in life. You can’t “replay” last evening and do it differently. It just remains a lesson in weakness.

You are quite aware that you had only two Teachings last week. I consider it a more serious weakness when you don’t give Me the time you know I want… and need. These Teachings are an important link between this earth life of yours, with its strengths AND weaknesses, and the continuing spiritual journey in the midst of which you are. You are not spiritually weak, but I offer you the opportunity to increase your strength… your awareness and appreciation of the spiritual aspects of all that you do. When you “can’t find the time” to let Me teach you… well, that is weakness.

You haven’t yet developed the rhythm of life that We both want for you, in retirement and as Emeritus. The needed rhythm must acknowledge your slowness and your weakness in organizational skills. This desk and this room are gross examples of this weakness. You… and I… don’t want this “mess” to persist. Make more decisions about what is important, and carry these out. It just isn’t strength to live in this clutter, day after day. Save what is important. Dispose of the rest. It is weakness to continue this way.

All right… what’s the best balance for you? I still want you to focus on the positives in life. This means… have less and less concern for problems and weaknesses. You exhibited a weakness last night. Exhibit strength today. Acknowledge weakness, but don’t dwell on it. Importantly… see being My companion as the relationship that will last far beyond this life. You needn’t even consider that I would get “miffed” and leave you. I guide you, but I do allow certain lessons. Lessons show weakness, but, then, encourage strength.

THURS., APR. 30, 1998, 6:41 AM

You don’t like this term, when it applies to you, but, as a servant of Mine, you need to face its application. All of you humans have different forms of weakness. Yet weakness is evident, mostly, in contrast with strength. If there were no weakness it would be difficult to acknowledge strength.

Your left hand is weak. It has lost strength that it once had, as well as feeling and control. You hope, first, that you will retain some use of it… that there will be no further loss. The . . .

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