
FRI., OCT. 21, 1988, 7:06 AM

This is a strange theme, you think, even as you did see the word and, finally, know that I am ready to tell you of matters beyond the classic Holy Scriptures. You don’t really know the Scriptures well, but you have no strong impression that these Writings gave much attention to weather. There was, of course, the flood, a very unlikely occurrence of weather, and references to rain and snow sufficient to suggest that these occurred.

As the Holy Spirit I came as wind and fire, and you now know when the weather is windy fire becomes more dangerous. There was drought, undoubtedly, if there were seven lean years. Yet weather is not often noted in the Biblical account… much less so than I note it in these Teachings to you. To wit: I shall teach you about weather and spirit on this cool, drippy autumn morning.

You read of increasing concern that some factors are affecting the weather of the earth. Temperatures may be higher in the summer and colder in the winter. Hurricanes occur in abundance. Rain does not fall in some areas, and is over-sufficient in others. Am I involved in this, if it does affect the welfare of My earth? Well, yes… and no.

I certainly do not determine the weather at every place on this planet. As I have told you many times, I created this earth as part of a total system, and I created it so there would be some variety of weather, most of it within the range that humans could tolerate. Human ingenuity had to be exercised, of course, to deal with severe temperatures, particularly cold, but I am basically proud of My creations’s capacity to function productively in many climates.

You understand, basically, the potential harm from the simultaneous destruction of trees and the profligate burning of fossil fuels, increasing the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere. This shall produce some undesirable changes in the weather of certain potions of the earth, but it is part of the overall balancing that is necessary in the future. Excess human activity has its consequences, and there shall be some from this excess. Oh, sometimes excesses cancel each other out, but usually one sort of excess results in another.

Many prayers are offered to Me requesting, directly or indirectly, that I change the weather in some way. I don’t count such, but, yes, probably the most frequent is prayer for rain. All living organisms need water in some amounts, but this need is quite apparent in humans and in the plants and animals humans use for sustenance. A time of drought is usually a sad time for human life, and I hear many prayers for My intervention. When the natural changes coincide with prayer requests I often get some credit. And, every now and again I do affect a change, just for fun or just as an act of compassion.

You adapt well to many kinds of weather and this classes you as a fortunate human. There are many who do not adapt well to excess heat and/or excess cold. You do not desire to experience life in a climate of continuous cold weather, but you can feel the adaptation developing now, as winter and that short time of cold weather approaches. I urge you to appreciate the value in each form of weather and keep as positive an attitude as possible toward the extremes. Changes in weather usually are healthy changes for the earth as a whole.

This day commences bleak, but you expect to see the sun before the day is through. This weather is not good for the necessary wood gathering that you postponed through most of the dry weather. Perhaps that will mean more hard labor for you, and this could be beneficial. Look first for the benefits, and you may not even notice the detriments.

FRI., OCT. 21, 1988, 7:06 AM

This is a strange theme, you think, even as you did see the word and, finally, know that I am ready to tell you of matters beyond the classic Holy Scriptures. You don’t really know the Scriptures well, but you have no strong impression that these Writings gave much attention to weather. There was, of course, the flood, a very unlikely occurrence of weather, and references to rain and snow sufficient to suggest that these occurred.

As the Holy Spirit I came as wind and fire, and you now know . . .

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