Welcome Back!

JUNE 5, 1981, 5:40 AM

Truly, o son, it is good to have you return to this time of writing. I have patiently waited for you to complete the moving task and join Me again. Your desire was not to seek Me until it could be done at your desk in your sanctuary at the Farm. And such it now is. So welcome back to these teachings and to the Farm. Symbolically, you could have gone to the barn as you did at first, but this represents the mature aspect of Our meditation.

You have almost everything in order and now have a few days before you commence the trip out West. There still is much to do, but not much is critical now, so relax a bit. You may accomplish more. Be sure you get all of the Ruminations sent out. Then take a few with you… you shall be surprised at some people who shall be interested in that publication.

You didn’t finish reading over the 1965 writings, and you may not have time now, but that still is an important task-opportunity. You were tuned in to Me then, but I just wasn’t doing the writing. It was fine preparation, and you should be pleased that it happened and at the results. Those do need to be in some more permanent cover and preserved a bit more carefully.

In some ways this next month will be a hectic time, but remember that you are quite competent to do each of the tasks… without further preparation and materials. Don’t make the sessions frantic with materials and activities. Relax, be yourself, and relate well to the people. Find out what they want to consider and satisfy their needs. You can do each of these as well as you did the presentation Sunday night. Just approach each in the same way… dedicate it to Me… then relax and be who you have become and are becoming.

JUNE 5, 1981, 5:40 AM

Truly, o son, it is good to have you return to this time of writing. I have patiently waited for you to complete the moving task and join Me again. Your desire was not to seek Me until it could be done at your desk in your sanctuary at the Farm. And such it now is. So welcome back to these teachings and to the Farm. Symbolically, you could have gone to the barn as you did at first, but this represents the mature aspect of Our meditation.

You have almost everything . . .

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