Wellness And Today

NOV. 24, 1980, 8:11 AM

The time has been arranged, o son, for you to have this time of meditation-teaching to provide you with some insights on this day ahead. You did well in putting no more preparation into this trip than you did. You let Me guide and direct, and everything has worked out well. Continue to do this for the whole venture, and just enjoy what happens. I don’t do this with everyone, but it is fun, sometimes, to just do the directing and see what happens.

Wellness is one of the ways of stating the theme for the encounter this evening. In one way, you step forth as a rather incomplete model of wellness, but it gives you the opportunity to make your statement about the granddaughters… the symbol of another dimension of health that always must be remembered and encouraged.

Review again the spiritual as the unifying dimension of wellness and make the application to this example. It is good to be concerned about personal health and to avoid close contact with those who obviously have some respiratory infection. Yet the spirit’s concern is with others. When the need of a little one is for comfort and closeness, the spirit urges you to be this kind of well person. The consequences may be uncomfortable physically, but you know that the offering of self is of greater value and brings compensating satisfaction.

Be sure and introduce the theme that wellness can be exhibited in the midst of illness. There is no inherent reason why most illnesses have to erode wellness very much. It is basically selfishness and self-centeredness that produces this. Illness may be a particularly apt time to exercise spirit, with spirit girding the other dimensions to overcome the physical discomfort

It is important to note, however, that this is best when it is genuine, rather than when you are trying too hard to be “well” when you don’t feel so. This meditation is important, o son, to keep your perspective. Prayer is important, no matter how sketchy and inelegant that prayer may be. Gently move your thoughts and attention to others less fortunate than you (you have a large population from which to choose!), and just appreciate the wellness that you have, in total. Even considerations of this nature have a healing power. And, again, emphasize that this is more than the power of positive thinking. It is the power of spirit which unifies and brings out the best in self and urges you to give and receive with a common spirit of selflessness.

NOV. 24, 1980, 8:11 AM

The time has been arranged, o son, for you to have this time of meditation-teaching to provide you with some insights on this day ahead. You did well in putting no more preparation into this trip than you did. You let Me guide and direct, and everything has worked out well. Continue to do this for the whole venture, and just enjoy what happens. I don’t do this with everyone, but it is fun, sometimes, to just do the directing and see what happens.

Wellness is one . . .

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