Wellness Returning!?

THURS., APRIL 5, 2001, 1:48 PM

It is the first truly warm day of Spring, and you are “out and about.” The first stop was Arnold’s… to get some additions to the coffee in the next hour. You woke up early, and noted that your feet felt fine, and even with the walking you’ve done this day, so far, the pains have not returned. There is still an “aura,” but you judge that the healing is continuing in its slow way.

This Bible Study group is, of course, by My standards, a vital part of your weekly Wellness “program.” You missed a few “meetings” in the early weeks of this time of healing, but you returned as soon as you could. I noticed. The other “requirement” during each week is Sunday worship, and you have returned to that as I expected you would. Soon you should consider anew My suggestion of visiting certain other churches here in town… and in Cobden Village.

Some from each of these congregations have heard about your “strange adventure,” and you need to assure these that you are back walking… almost normally. You still need to be careful, but My priority for you is to return to these groups where there is acceptance of spirit as a fundamental “ingredient” of earth life. You are not truly living the life We both want for you unless there is regular time spent in worship, study of Scripture, and being with Me in this unique form of communication – these Teachings.

The contrasting punctuation in today’s title represents both the affirmation that your Wellness IS returning, after a time of battle with injured feet, AND the question as to whether your present lifestyle reflects, sufficiently, Our relationship… your reliance on Me as a central requisite for true Wellness. Earth life is always somewhat of a struggle in how each of you shall show forth your Wellness. You did reasonably well during your active educational career, but now you have the challenge of making Our relationship the prime one for you. (Just a slight edge over the one with you, Lenore!)

Even though you are excited by the return toward “normalcy” you must realize that this injury and your response to it was a real opportunity for spiritual growth. You didn’t Thank Me for it, but you could have… even should have. The words of Thanks! were not there, but you accepted this injury in the spirit of Thanks for a challenge toward the end of this earth life.

I didn’t respond in kind by prolonging the healing period, but I do have to tell you now that you could have been a bit more “appreciative” of this spiritual challenge. The healing time was about “right” for one of your years, and, positively, I do admit that I liked your response to “How are you?” as “Fine, down to my ankles.” That was a good sign of Wellness… accentuating the positive. Don’t overdue, on the premise that you’re fully healed, but show forth Wellness as fully as possible.

It clearly, now, is the commencement of Spring, the season of rebirth and new growth. Be aware of the many opportunities you have now, as a retiree on a Farm… with many “opportunities.” A central one now, obviously and of course, is “cleaning up” around the house, the animal pens, and the various “gardens.” It is time for planting, both plants and seeds, and you do “have time” now. There is, obviously, wood to be split for fires in the Fall and Winter, ahead. You can see much that needs doing, most of it by you. The Farm should have an “uncluttered rustic beauty”… but only with dedication and energy from you.

This is a stage in your life when Wellness includes relaxation, eustress, and minimal concern for time. Accept this (and I observe that you are “on the way to success”) as a modified (or even new) way of life… a giving up of prolonged times of stress and easy acceptance of “life as it comes.”

THURS., APRIL 5, 2001, 1:48 PM

It is the first truly warm day of Spring, and you are “out and about.” The first stop was Arnold’s… to get some additions to the coffee in the next hour. You woke up early, and noted that your feet felt fine, and even with the walking you’ve done this day, so far, the pains have not returned. There is still an “aura,” but you judge that the healing is continuing in its slow way.

This Bible Study group is, of course, by My standards, a vital part of . . .

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