What About James?

WED., OCT. 22, 1997, 8:39 AM

This morning’s gathering, with discussion of the Book of James as your theological errand, was one pleasing to Me. I certainly am not bothered by the different translations that those in the group are using, for I would make a final affirmation that the Scriptures are mostly mystical. This is not a “put-down”, certainly, for I, as Holy Spirit AND the triune God, am basically mystical. I just mean that no one configuration of English/American words can convey the spiritual message to every person. You and Win study The Living Bible, which some consider “unreliable”. If it works for you, continue. I have no single favorite translation.

I liked your comparison of the admonitions of James and Paul with the yogas of the Hindu folk. I do love diversity, and this certainly applies to the servants among you humans, those that I call and those who simply come to Me. I have created them and allowed them to be different, in many ways, from one another. I have allowed for a variety of paths of service to Me. If all of you were quite alike this would be a much less interesting realm of being.

The yoga concept, as you understand it, is that there are different ways of being a faithful, dedicated human, and one extreme is just as valued as another. Oh, there can be combinations, but a life of contemplation, of relationship to the earth, of scholarship, and of service to “orphans and widows” each can have merit in My eyes. James emphasizes the “works” element, saying that faith in Me must lead to good works, to tangible service.

Paul, who grew up as an orthodox, faithful Jew, a religion that required much in the way of specific actions and specific taboos, was true to his conversion by affirming that faith in Me, as Jesus, was the essential. I was not bound by laws, and what I did was not as vital as Who I was. It is the spirit that is critical, not actions or works.

James’ main point was the “faith without works is dead”… if you have faith it will manifest itself in works beneficial to others. Paul might agree in part, but his emphasis was on the need for acceptance of Me as the Christ. What would come after that was of little or no consequence. (9:08 / 9:12)

James is the more pragmatic one, more relevant to your middle-class culture… and to your Calvinist heritage. If you have faith it will be evident by what you do. If there is no such evidence it indicates little or no real faith, despite affirmations.

This that We do together – these Teachings – could be seen as Jamesian. That is, many Christians may claim that they are guided by Me… that I tell them how to live. Yet they have no tangible proof of this. You have… volumes of original, hand-written Teachings and volumes of Ruminations, where what I have said to you is displayed in colorful, tangible form. James would be proud of you!

But… would it be “better” if everyone who has relationship with and faith in Me would write as you do. Would literally millions of more volumes of My words, in many languages and styles of writing, be an improvement on this earth scene? Obviously I don’t think so. I could… but I don’t.

James speaks to you when he says that if you turn to Me, in faith, I will lead and guide you, and you shall “know the way”. Now, with this relationship firmly established (a positive addiction certainly!), you hear My perspective on virtually all that you experience. These Teachings, as you reread them, remind you of many “aspects” of your life. Yet I also have told you that I have been leading you for many years before 1979, when this “work” began. You were “hearing” Me, but in a non-conscious way.

WED., OCT. 22, 1997, 8:39 AM

This morning’s gathering, with discussion of the Book of James as your theological errand, was one pleasing to Me. I certainly am not bothered by the different translations that those in the group are using, for I would make a final affirmation that the Scriptures are mostly mystical. This is not a “put-down”, certainly, for I, as Holy Spirit AND the triune God, am basically mystical. I just mean that no one configuration of English/American words can convey the spiritual message to every person. You and Win study . . .

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