What About The Universe?

WED., AUG. 8, 1990, 6:52 AM

In this Teaching I, the Holy Spirit, will define the term “universe” as referring the everything beyond this planet Earth that can possibly be identified and studied. This commences with your own moon, includes the other planets in your system, and then everything else beyond, including various forms of energy and the range of rays, known and unknown. Why such a theme? Because I am the Spirit of the God Who is the Creator and Sustainer of all that there is, not just the earth that makes human life possible. Hear, o son.

Speaking as God, I created human intelligence as a vital part of the human person. It appears that this is an evolution out of animal intelligence, and in one sense it is. All creatures have to have some measure of what We call intelligence in order to survive. Humans have the greatest measure, including the motivation and the capacity to study all that exists, including self and other humans. I knew that such study could lead such students, and those who also teach, in various ways, away from Me. I created the earth scene and what is beyond it in ways that make it a focus for study. This leads to the notion that this is just a natural “system,” without a creator and functioning in entirely natural ways.

You see, this is another of the spiritual challenges of earth life. This alternative way of thinking about all that seems to exist competes with the truth that behind it all is God, the only God, Who continues to create and causes or allows all that “happens”. Am I necessary? Pure scientific thought says No. Hence the spiritual challenge.

Some scientists continue to be firm believers in Me. Yet they must be careful in their interpretations with certain colleagues, in public statements, and in certain teaching situations. You do not label yourself as a scientist, as you once did. Yet you must continue to act as if the studies you read and even direct are ways of discovering and revealing truth, even superior to this that We do together. It is often an uncomfortable “bind” in which you must be. And My servants who identify themselves as scientists feel it even more strongly.

Is there any purpose to the universe beyond this system? Of course. Then I must say that you haven’t the capacity to understand such… beyond the fact that if I created it there must be a reason or reasons. In a sense you are relieved that I don’t offer you some explanation that is beyond your capacities. Rightly, you should be satisfied with your intellectual abilities, using them as they should be used, but not beyond what is possible. Your basic premise must be that all of the universe is God’s creation, in place for His purposes. While others may seek after more knowledge of this universe you can be satisfied with what you already know and with what I offer to you.

Actually some studies of this universe can lead back to Me. Some studies lead to the conclusion that reality is not as it seems to the standard human senses. If this becomes a principle it can encompass Me and My continuing creation. As I have told you repeatedly… if all matter is ultimately energy then all energy can be seen as spirit. Hence, finally, all reality is spirit.

The premise that I am not and have never been involved forces one to think in ways quite unreasonable. The central thought of this ilk is that all of creation simply evolved, with all that presently can be seen and studied, from human cells to far-out galaxies, as occurring just by chance. This requires a much stronger faith than faith in the Creator God. But, as I said, this stands as a spiritual challenge to certain spirits.

WED., AUG. 8, 1990, 6:52 AM

In this Teaching I, the Holy Spirit, will define the term “universe” as referring the everything beyond this planet Earth that can possibly be identified and studied. This commences with your own moon, includes the other planets in your system, and then everything else beyond, including various forms of energy and the range of rays, known and unknown. Why such a theme? Because I am the Spirit of the God Who is the Creator and Sustainer of all that there is, not just the earth that makes human life possible. Hear . . .

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