What Am I Like… Really?

THURS., JUNE 7, 2001, 9:21 AM

You and your group of “seeking Christians” are well into the Book of Ezekiel, finding Me to be a God somewhat different from the one portrayed in Jesus Christ. I seem to be more bellicose, more punitive, and less loving than I Am in Christ. The answer to all of this, in simple terms, is… I Am Mystery, I Am Undefinable (completely), and I like to have Fun… then and now. (This old faithful pen is apparently finished, and so is this Teaching, for now.) ( 9:31 / 10:12 ) You don’t adapt as well and as quickly as you once did… but… Welcome back!

Present day Christian thinking (if there is such that can be identified?) teaches that I gave the Jews (of several thousand years ago) many chances to be My Chosen people, but there always seemed to be a “failure”… or I was too tough a “task-master”… or, even, I was not consistent in what I expected from them… or perhaps this just was a “good way” to introduce a human Savior into the earth.. but One Who would not meet Jewish “expectations.”

The two Testaments that make up your Christian Bible present quite a range of situations in which I acted, AND a range of ways in which I did, or apparently did, react and act. You see, if I were described, in words or in My actions, in a way that was consistently ONE WAY, this, however “true” it might see, would be a limited, incomplete description of Who I Am, in Toto.

If I Am truly and only the Good Shepherd, I would be too namby-pamby for the God of All There Is. If I Am truly and only the God Who blasts poor Ezekiel because he can only be as good, faithful and helpful as he can be, then this, too, is a “part” of Me.

This is a very complex world, this earth scene, populated by a large, excessive human population. You Christians are a significant “group,” and you are My best “creation,” but you still ire and irk Me in many ways. The human, personal analogy is an interesting one. You had fine sons, you and Lenore. Being “da best” father to these boys was your hardest life task, but you strived, as I wanted you to.

Peter was quite a challenge to you, yet he was a football player of whom you could be proud, AND he responded to Me, the Christ physically present for him, and he was yearning to be a Christian young man, as he died in his car on the highway.

Michael was the closest to “perfect,” in your judgment – a good athlete and student, a master carpenter (I liked that!), and a dedicated Christian. Still, he was a Christian different from you and your path, and since that was important to both of you, it left an unhealed “gap” between you as he, too, came on over to Me in early middle age.

So, I am a God who directs and allows sons of yours to be both like and unlike you, as well as like and unlike each other.

( 10:45 / 10:50 )

As you are aware, I have not given Myself an easy task at “being God.” I have created and allowed much variation in human persons and in human cultures. As I tell you, you Christians are My favorites, but this also means I expect more of you… as I did of Ezekiel in years gone by.

The biology of the earth was necessarily set before you humans “arrived.” One of its important Laws is anabolism and catabolism – all things, once created, grow and develop, and then, in different time frames, develop weaknesses and, soon, or eventually, die. Two your sons died before you. Your parents lived into their mid-90’s, but died before you. You are now mid-70’s, with “conditions” that can cause or contribute to an earlier death than your parents, but a longer life than these two “departed” sons. As I told you earlier, you, who have heard Me in this personal way for over 20 years, can never comprehend Me in any finished, complete way. I reveal Myself in many ways, but some of these seem to “conflict” with others – as I was “different” for Ezekiel than I was for John.

THURS., JUNE 7, 2001, 9:21 AM

You and your group of “seeking Christians” are well into the Book of Ezekiel, finding Me to be a God somewhat different from the one portrayed in Jesus Christ. I seem to be more bellicose, more punitive, and less loving than I Am in Christ. The answer to all of this, in simple terms, is… I Am Mystery, I Am Undefinable (completely), and I like to have Fun… then and now. (This old faithful pen is apparently finished, and so is this Teaching, for now.) ( 9:31 / 10 . . .

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