What Better To Do…?

FRI., JULY 7, 2000, 9:26 AM

…than to sit down at this messy desk, clear a space, and take up this pen on this paper? You have done this so often, over now more than 20 years, that the trust you’ve developed in Me, Holy Spirit, to offer you some wise observations ( 9:30 / 3:52 ) is quite evident. Your “test” goes a bit farther this day, for it is now over 6 hours later than when We began. Will I be able to “pick it up” and come forth with a full Teaching. Naturally, you assume I can.

It is now a hot Friday afternoon, and you have just had your “feet fixed”… a surprise from Lenore. It was a pleasant experience, but it is not one to which you are likely to become “addicted”. Your feet are still reasonably functional, and you have no aches or pains associated with them. Again, you perceive the “medical model” grasping at you, telling you that “something needs to be fixed”. You probably will fulfill this appointment, but for Lenore’s desires rather than any sense of urgency on your part. You feel sure that I agree.

This title can have several meanings or references. How is it best to spend the days of your earth life, as Bob Russell, that remain. And I say that it is more complex than just “what is most important?” It is good to assess what you could do on any day (or portion thereof), but, remember, your life is not now all focused on accomplishments. Spending time with Lenore, doing what she wanted to do was important, but not by the criterion of accomplishment. I certainly approve of your taking time to watch the sunset or to just sit on your good deck. Be aware of balancing… not too much “waste time”, but also not excessive, compulsive behavior… all that you “must do”.

You could be mowing grass now… or weeding… and your animals would benefit. But here you are with Me, hearing from a Spirit Who is ready to communicate with you, on themes that may not seem earthshaking. I like this kind of irresponsibility! With all the drawers full of these Teachings could I still have anything to say that would be new?

You may watch the televised news this evening, and yet you are aware that there is not likely to be truly important happenings reported. I don’t tell you to eschew the news, but… be aware of alternatives to such “watching”. Now I do note that you spend relatively little time and attention on TV programs, and you choose reasonably well. Don’t watch just to be watching and always consider alternatives, as you usually do.

Yes, o son, you are even now considering the merit of these Teachings We’ve selected as a basis for our late summer Letter. Don’t decide quite yet, but I say that there is real merit in what you have chosen. It would be quite OK for you to write on some other aspects of diversity, but use the rest of this month to consider these and explore other themes that could also be appropriate.

…than to appreciate and enjoy life, in this ideal setting?

I’ll affirm, yet again, that as you have your hand in Mine… and Mine is in yours… I shall continue to provide for your needs, including those needs to help others with your “wealth”. And, in conjunction with this, I also reaffirm that I can and do function and influence in myriad ways. Yes, I could even bless you with some “winnings” in any of these “opportunities” that come your way. There is some “luck” and “chance” involved, but whatever you do, in this “arena”, always assume that it is I Who am ultimately responsible for the results.

If you don’t “win” consider that you must “prime the pump”, with faith, which doesn’t always produce the results you desire. This is a form of gambling that attracts you, but I also see that you have no great desires for a lifestyle much different than what you now have. “You must have faith and believe… you must give of yourself ‘fore you’re worthy to receive”. I couldn’t say it better.

FRI., JULY 7, 2000, 9:26 AM

…than to sit down at this messy desk, clear a space, and take up this pen on this paper? You have done this so often, over now more than 20 years, that the trust you’ve developed in Me, Holy Spirit, to offer you some wise observations ( 9:30 / 3:52 ) is quite evident. Your “test” goes a bit farther this day, for it is now over 6 hours later than when We began. Will I be able to “pick it up” and come forth with a full Teaching. Naturally, you . . .

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