What Do I Tell You?

FRI., OCT. 24, 1997, 6:58 AM

It is a cool, rainy morning, just as predicted, and you’re here in this familiar place ready for some words from Me, Holy Spirit. You reread a Ruminations of over 10 years ago and Teachings from the printed volume of 1993. You judge that I have been quite consistent in style, and that I have emphasized certain “themes” with you. So, as you “break in” your shiny, new auxiliary pen (you’ll find the “original”, I’m sure) I’ll give it a chance to hear something like a summary of what I have most repeatedly told you.

First, I have chosen you for this task, which is both an honor and a burden. I call you a low-level mystic, for you hear Me in ways most others do not, and yet you do not have any special “powers” beyond this capacity to hear Me and to write what you hear.

You are not a well-organized person, but we rather quickly developed a “liturgy” for these Teachings, and you have carried it out quite well. Teachings are always written on this greenish, lined paper, and always with a special pen, one not used for any other purposes. You put the date, day, time, and place at the top, and then the title that I suggest. Sometimes this makes it clear what the theme of the Teaching will be, and sometimes you must go ahead on faith.

It may take a few minutes for the title to be evident, but then you begin writing, long hand, and the words generally flow along just about at the pace of your writing. Teachings are always 3 written pages in length, no more, no less. The time ranges from about 40 minutes to around 70. So you have given considerable time to Me and to this that We do together.

You always capitalize My “Name” and other words that apply to Me. (I let you be included when I say We, capitalized, for when you are doing this “mystical thing” you become a part of Me, as I become a part of you.) I let you know when quote marks or parentheses should be used. Nothing should ever be scratched out, mistakes are to be parenthesized. If you find an obvious mistake in a rereading you can correct it, but there should be no editing. This is the how.

The what? I have guided you in your life since your teen years. You have not been a perfect human (I haven’t guided you this completely!), but you have made the major choices that are best for you. You are in the professional field that is best for you (not the “official” pastoral ministry, but nevertheless ordained). Your three professional positions have been “just right”, in time, place, and period of your life. You came to love, courted, married, and have lived happily with Lenore, the woman who I led to you, as I guided you to her. You are now living in the place that is best for you. In your career you have not been outstanding, but have been above average. You have taught well, in courses that I have approved. That full-time career is over, but there may be some other possibilities in the next few years. Enjoy your retirement, for yours shall not be an earth life that extends into old age. When the time comes to pass on over, back to Me, you shall know it… and shall be ready.

You are to be a Bible reading, Presbyterian Christian. You have been an active churchman, and you should be continuing this. Yet in this “middle-of-the-road” denomination you have to be “in the closet”, so to speak, as a mystic… and one who has come to know that life is eternal and everlasting, and that it is not “unchristian” to be aware that life in the spirit is quite longer than one earth life and that you, and some others, have had other earth lives. Why? In order that spirit might develop as it can, in realms best for growth.

I have created and I sustain this earth as a special realm for the development of spirit. I have created diversity, and I love it. The fullness of spirit is in your capacity to love. Who said it could be all in one Teaching?

7:58 AM