What Do I Tell You… II

SAT., OCT. 25, 1997, 7:12 AM

I tell you that I am the major, dominant force in all of creation, including this earth. As I say often, I love diversity, and My creations display this. Humans are a diverse lot, in many ways. There are some wonderfully functioning folk who live on into their 90’s and even 100’s, still active and productive. Then, of course, there are some who live on into old age but have lost use of body or mind, or both.

At the other extreme are some who live rather short earth lives because the diversity they show forth makes them non-functional. In short, some live long, productive lives, while others have short, painful stays here. Yet each life is an opportunity for spiritual growth… which is the purpose of life itself.

All forms of life have spirit, but humans have a soul, which can grow and develop with spiritual experiences, here in the earth and in other realms, without a physical body. The earth is a realm of time, with clocks and calendars and calculations of age and “how long?”. Other realms are timeless, and I know it is difficult to imagine this, when your conscious experience is in this very time-conscious culture.

There is “apparent” evil in the earth. I say “apparent” for I create it or allow it in order that certain spirits may mature. And if I create it, can it be evil? I just tell you that I am finally responsible for all that happens, and nothing happens against My will. It is strange that even some good Christians rail at Me because of some death or destruction. I do not cause every death, instance of abuse… or war… but I have the power to prevent any such evil. When I don’t there is a reason, something I see that you cannot.

The length of a life is not a fair measure of its worth. My life as Jesus is the prime example. Physical death is a natural and necessary aspect of earth life. And I tell you that there must be an increase in deaths, and I am allowing a variety of forces that shall bring about this increase.

One of My main assertions is that while I love humans as My highest form of creation I have greater love for the earth and the intricate web of life that is My Creation, Supreme. Humans and human activity are “messing this up”, so I can save it now or let it deteriorate to a point that only the best adapters in each form of life survive… to “start again”. (The Flood story is symbolic of such a decision… and result).

( 7:50 / 7:55 )

I tell you that you are now in a time of rebalancing, a time of establishing a different rhythm for your life. You must maintain… and even increase… your physical activity, for this is certainly a part of good health in elderly status. Maintain some ties with your Department and the University, but this will be harder to do when you have no classes and no natural way of becoming acquainted with students.

You have plenty of books to read, for the first time, but also heed My suggestion for rereading, which can be more rewarding, as thoughts and ideas finally “stick”. It is not a waste of time to contemplate, and you have some variety of places to do this. Yet you also need to be a better “companion” for Lenore, your long-time life partner. She needs you, and you need her, for the best in both of your lives. When this “office business” has been completed you can “rebalance” with her.

I tell you that your hand is in Mine, and that I shall not leave you… and I doubt that you will let go. You have had a good… a blessed… life, and you have made spiritual progress. Enjoy this next “chapter” in your life, but don’t expect it to be over long. Even as these Teachings are to you… and not “scripture for the world” they are a worthy legacy to leave. Together… We do it.

8:19 AM