What Happens Now?

July 10, 1979, 6:17 PM

Yes, I shall speak right from the beginning, o son, for, true, you are completing your second month of regular, no-miss instruction with Me.  I know that you feel some change is right for now.  You do not feel that continuation every day is right, though you do want to continue these learning experiences in some form.  You feel that if I wanted you to continue I would have “gotten your attention” in My usual way… and you already would have acceded.  That is true.

But it isn’t that I don’t want you to continue.  Nothing would thrill Me more (in relation to you) than your voluntary willingness to sacrifice and spend the hour with Me, writing.  But I also want you to want to do it in ways that bring more pleasure than pain.  The daily walk seems to be burdensome, so I shall, for now, accept your “cry” and release you from this requirement.  But know that I still want you often.  I just release you from the daily path.

As you suspect, your new way involves reading and listening.  And your initial discipline is to read the synthesis from last month and prepare one for the one now closing.  Then you must do an annotated index for both months and have each put properly in place.  A cover for each also would be stylish.

I still want you to read and study My Scriptures, making comparisons with Our writings.  You shall be refreshed in that opportunity soon.  This is important.  I patiently say this again.

And yes, I do want you to reread and organize those writings from 15 years ago.  They should be better preserved than in that loose, black folder.  You shall be surprised at what We did then, even as you were not ready for service as you are now.

You are surprised that your writing has not been easier and more prolific.  You thought I promised that.  I did not.  The exact way is not determined for you, and, always remember, your time is of virtually no consequence to Me.  I know what I want, and that shall be, but if you are not yet ready or willing then the time will be longer.

Just be aware of what is happening, and appreciate the learning that comes from all of these situations.  Most of what I say is potential, and you must do something to achieve.  I rarely just serve you up some accomplishment, with no effort on your part.

I am not being critical, for most of what you have been doing and project to do are worthwhile and satisfying to Me.  You are choosing… and you do have choices.

But I do not want you blubbering about “what might have been.”  You have conducted yourself well, and yet you have not achieved what is possible.  As I have promised you: real opportunities rarely come but once.  Learn and grow and be ready for what comes next.  Your Spiritual Health project is not something to forget.  I am overflowing with opportunities.  There are always several ways to a worthy goal!

So, come often and drink of My well of wisdom.  Yet feel no guilt that you do not come.  That is an emotion that has little positive value.  Don’t forget to try the new Rhythm idea on the Saturday class and on the Risk-Taking group, perhaps this week.  I shall nag you a bit on that, but you do need to be ready.

Enter into My gates with thanksgiving and into My court with praise.  Be thankful unto Me and bless My name.  For I am your God, speaking through My Spirit.  You are My servant, Bob, and never must you forget this.  For I shall not.

Be of a happy and contrite spirit.

Hallelujah and Amen!

7:25 PM