What Has Been… What Will Be

SUN., JUNE 19, 1994, 2:09 AM

Your trip away from this Farm has been. It was a time of visiting, of being entertained, of “being away.” It was not a great spiritual adventure, even as there were a few instances of spiritual conversations. You could have appreciated more the spiritual nature of your return to the land where your present life began, in a way more mystical than actual.

In imagination you visited sites where you and Lenore were before you became one… and as that oneness was developing. Few actual structures remain, but your spirit could have created them anew, if you had let it function in such a way. As I offer this perspective you can feel how it could have been… and you can ask, “Why didn’t you urge Me in this way early in the visit?” Reread the early Teachings, and you’ll see suggestions. And I did want to see how you would do “on your own.” You see that you could have done better. That’s a worthy realization.

Even miles and time zones east of this beginning you can reimagine the places and events, for you did visit many of the sites of your earlier life there. Take a little time to do that, considering how you might have been more aware in the actual time there.

And now a new week lies ahead, with much opportunity for activation of spirit. Andy will be here, and you must know, both of you, that this is a gathering of spirits that I am arranging. From My vantage-point (and it is the one of which there is none better) you two are “on the same project” here in the earth at this time. Yours are spirits that should interact more, and soon there will be that chance.

The “project,” of course, is the reintroduction of spirit as a factor in health… a factor in the positive health and full functioning and in any healing process leading back toward full health. Both of you are healthy, and you both also are healing in some ways. You must share your experiences in both circumstances. This shall be a special opportunity to talk and to hear about the spiritual as a vital part of how each of you is. From this shall come more capacity and confidence in both of you for having such interactions with others, some of whom I’m sending to you, each.

Never fear… I shall guide you both, but for you it will be more natural and comfortable to write down what I’m telling you. Yet I’ll want you to encourage her to write some while she’s here. I shall be willing if she can let her spirit hear Me, more like you are able to do. How interesting it will be for you both to receive Teachings and be able to compare these!

SUN., JUNE 19, 1994, 2:09 AM

Your trip away from this Farm has been. It was a time of visiting, of being entertained, of “being away.” It was not a great spiritual adventure, even as there were a few instances of spiritual conversations. You could have appreciated more the spiritual nature of your return to the land where your present life began, in a way more mystical than actual.

In imagination you visited sites where you and Lenore were before you became one… and as that oneness was developing. Few actual structures remain, but your spirit could . . .

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