What I Have Chosen…

WED., DEC. 1, 1993, 9:04 AM

You are here with Me unexpectedly. There was not time to finish the church newsletter and have this Teaching, or so it seemed. But today you learned of an illness… a breakdown in the “process,” and so there is no hurry to finish that publication today. Instead you listen to Me, as you count your blessings.

The skip-along study of the Jacob and Joseph story has been completed, and I shall comment on your summary. Partially in fun (and I like this attitude) you proclaimed that “God loves guile.” This is not a bad or an inaccurate “moral” for this story, for it certainly is full of questionable acts and motives. But My interpretation would be “what and who I have chosen I will not forsake,” along with “My ways are never completely predictable, and I do not have to abide by human standards.”

For My purposes I, as Almighty God, chose Abraham, indicating that his descendants would be My chosen people. Then I chose Isaac over Ishmael, partly because I chose Sarah over Hagar. Next I chose Jacob over Esau, and directed their mother, Rebekah, to be a woman of guile and assure the proper blessing. It seemed as though I favored Rachel, but in establishing the heritage those sons from Leah were the most numerous. And so it went. I enjoyed the process then, and I still enjoy it, even as it seems that much of importance has occurred since.

I have told you what could be interpreted as conflicting truths, even Truths. I do choose, and My Will shall prevail… and I mostly let earth events occur as they will, without My intervention. The “other factor” is that I am outside of earth time, and even of earth lives. I also am not bound by human, earthly interpretations… and by, especially, either/or thinking.

I chose the Jewish people to be My people, and the O.T. tells this varied story. Yet when I came as Jesus, the Jew, who was also their Messiah, some Jews “made the transition,” but there were more gentiles, and more Jews remained in the older faith and relationship, not accepting Me as the Messiah. And it really doesn’t make any difference that I willed this to be or that I just adapted to different interpretations of whom I chose.

The Biblical story takes place in a rather small portion of the earth. The story includes affirmations about sacred, chosen places, as well as people… and even today it is called, by some, the Holy Land. Yet I tell you that your Farm is a chosen place, just as you are a chosen servant, even as this “chosenness” will not be publicized or known by more than a few.

There are many special, chosen places in the earth. Also there are special, chosen events, mostly, but not all, having to do worship or with service to Me. None of this can be verified to the satisfaction of all. Just know that this is one way in which I continue to work, in the earth and among people.

WED., DEC. 1, 1993, 9:04 AM

You are here with Me unexpectedly. There was not time to finish the church newsletter and have this Teaching, or so it seemed. But today you learned of an illness… a breakdown in the “process,” and so there is no hurry to finish that publication today. Instead you listen to Me, as you count your blessings.

The skip-along study of the Jacob and Joseph story has been completed, and I shall comment on your summary. Partially in fun (and I like this attitude) you proclaimed that “God loves guile . . .

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