What Is God?

5:50 AM, MAY 14, 1985, TUES.

The answer to this question can fill many, many pages, o son, and still not be complete. There are answers that seem to conflict, and yet I, the Holy Spirit, the teaching “aspect” of this God I am describing, tell you there are no ultimate conflicts concerning God. You just must think in terms that are big and inclusive.

Some would be offended at this question, feeling that it must be put, “Who is God?” for God is a Who, not a What. I counter with the affirmation that God certainly is a Who, the Ultimate Persona. Yet when distinguishing characteristics are suggested, these can never be exclusive. God is male, but also fully female. God is light, but also darkness. God is just, but also merciful. And, you see, that if you carry this to the farthest conclusion you can understand it is less and less clear who God is.

Yes, God is Who, but also what. God is the Creator, and yet is not diminished by creation. God is not enhanced by the creation… and yet is, because manifestation seems better than just potential. God is Creator, and also creation. God Is in creation. God also stands apart from all creation, and Is, in fullness, without any manifestation whatsoever.

God is in form, and also in movement. God is the fullness of love. God is beyond all emotion and feeling, being Pure Spirit. God is busy with this earth plane. God is and does everything without the slightest effort. God is teaching every soul that exists, in this earth and beyond, yet few hear even as well as you do. That is displeasing to God, and yet what is is exactly as God would have it.

I, the Holy Spirit, am finally God completely, and yet I have a functional separateness. What am I “doing” at the same time as I am teaching you? An uncountable number of related and unrelated activities, entirely incomprehensible to your mind. The only important understanding that must be yours is that, despite what else “I am doing” I give you full attention. You are one worth teaching, even as you are of minor importance in the affairs of the earth, your community, your university, your church… even your family.

God is as much involved in death as in life-giving. Creation is a continuing process. Without death life would become intolerable, just as bright sunny days would become intolerable without clouds, shadows, and the darkness of night. God’s ultimate balance is perfect, by definition, but may appear to be skewed and imperfect. Misery and death are part of the creative process, just as pain is part of the birthing process.

You could reject your creation by God, as some number of humans do. You could reject My overtures to you, and you could be a “good Christian person”, trusting but ignorant. There are lots of ways you could be, other than as you are now. You have free will. You can be your own person.

5:50 AM, MAY 14, 1985, TUES.

The answer to this question can fill many, many pages, o son, and still not be complete. There are answers that seem to conflict, and yet I, the Holy Spirit, the teaching “aspect” of this God I am describing, tell you there are no ultimate conflicts concerning God. You just must think in terms that are big and inclusive.

Some would be offended at this question, feeling that it must be put, “Who is God?” for God is a Who, not a What. I counter with the affirmation that God certainly . . .

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