What Is Health, Anyway?

TUES., OCT. 15, 1991, 1:24 PM

Your professional field is health education. Your preparation for this was quite adequate, for the time, and you have had many years of experience in teaching and other forms of educating. For over twelve years you have heard Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you of many things, but often about health. For, I tell you, I am concerned that humans be as healthy as possible in living their earth lives, and, particularly, that servants of Mine be examples of good health.

Now you read that My good servant, Paul of Tarsus, had some “thorn in the flesh,” some departure from health that it was “good” for him to experience. Other servants of Mine have been less than perfect in some ways… and for one howling reason: to show that the fullness of health does not depend on bodily perfection. It is appropriate for you to espouse an holistic view of health, but it also is imperative that you identify My perception of health, which is totally spiritual. I appreciate good physical functioning, social… etc., but I want these to be manifestations of spirit. The one concession away from the totality of spirit is the need to sustain the earth’s environment, but even such, of course, is accomplished best when the motivations are spiritual.

So, My definition of health is a life lived fully in dedication to Me, the Triune God, with a maximum of faith in Me, a maximum of love for the humans with whom you interact, a minimum of concern for length of life, pain relief, and other medical machinations, and maximum feelings of joy with the events in this earth life adventure. I recognize that this is a bit “far-out” for you as a professional, but it is the almost extreme opposite of the secular, naturalistic medical model. And, though I have no set of statistics to bolster this claim I do affirm that those who follow My Way more closely live as long, are happier, and have more of life’s tangible treasure to give to others rather than be spent on doctoring.

Health is fundamentally your full capacity to be who you can be, a gentle model for those looking for purpose. Your challenge, at the end of this week, is to show forth more health, as one with a disability than you have before. Enjoy your interactions with colleagues, and particularly former students. Take and make opportunities to speak about spiritual matters. When discussing more mundane issues, inquire about or offer observation in relation to the spiritual dimension. Be aware of the need to report back to your classes, particularly the Foundations class, on the central issues of the convention.

You have not had pain for some time. Now you have some again. Seek first the spiritual surcease. Even with My servant Don, should you choose to seek his healing ways, emphasize the spiritual as essential for appropriate relief. Go for medical treatment if these better ways are not satisfactory. In the meantime, keep your head up and your spirit soaring. Continue to appreciate the disability and the slight pain that is now yours to experience.

As I have told you often and in various ways, health is awareness and appreciation. Health is balancing in your life, with a rhythm that I offer you. This means that you can balance so that you are aware of the positive, enhancing events in life and less aware of matters irrelevant. Appreciate situations, events, and circumstances that are upbuilding, and pay little attention to those that are degrading, mean, and non-spiritual.

Balance activity with contemplation. Continue to concentrate on your teaching, but keep a balance with various forms of writing. I’m glad you did the book review. Perhaps this shall spur you to a bit more professional penmanship.

TUES., OCT. 15, 1991, 1:24 PM

Your professional field is health education. Your preparation for this was quite adequate, for the time, and you have had many years of experience in teaching and other forms of educating. For over twelve years you have heard Me, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you of many things, but often about health. For, I tell you, I am concerned that humans be as healthy as possible in living their earth lives, and, particularly, that servants of Mine be examples of good health.

Now you read that My good . . .

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