What Is My Peace?

WED., MAR. 8, 1995, 8:48 AM

Your group this morning focused, at least somewhat, upon peace… the peace I give to you. This includes, of course, that it is a peace I offer, that you must then take and internalize. It is a peace not of this earth, its realities and distractions, but a peace of the spirit. Hear what I have to say about this, o son.

Peace is, fundamentally, a spiritual gift. The earth, as a realm, is designed to challenge that peace. Without My peace it is easy, even reasonable to see this world as one of competition, strife, warring, even chaos. The challenge is to experience My peace, which is freely and continually offered, as transcending all of what seems to be conflict. See, it is a test of My peace as interruptions come, breaking up the flow of Our present interaction. If you have My peace you can return from these other “duties” and pick up My flow. You now do this rather well… even quite well.

Another evidence of your acceptance of My peace is the confident knowledge that I shall speak to you until three pages have been written. You don’t know what I shall say that will fill these pages, but My peace tells you it will happen. There is no need to wonder “if”?… or “whether”?

In responding to the questions for this morning you wrote easily of your life circumstances that are part of your peace. Foremost, you have this personal relationship with Me, producing Teachings like this one, as often as you come in this semi-ritual way. From this relationship you have learned that you are a Christian, in both the Presbyterian and the mystical traditions. These can easily be in conflict, so My peace is essential to your being comfortable in both, peacefully keeping them in balance.

You also have been led to know yours is an eternal life, and your soul has been developing and maturing over “some number” of “lifetimes”, some here in the earth. It requires peace to be comfortable with this knowledge, which is close to heretical in your American Christian tradition. Peace is also necessary in putting down urges to know what these other experiences have been like… to accept that you will know all of this when this present earth life is pau.

My peace also helps greatly in accepting that while I am the God of the Holy Bible, which teaches that you Christians are My ultimate spiritual desire, I can never be limited to such a circumscription. I am the God of All, and I come in as many “forms” as are necessary to reach and influence souls, many of whom are quite “different” from yours.

I have brought you together with Lenore, the wife I wanted for you… and you for her. (Many of My “coincidences” come out perfectly, for, after all, I am perfect, by definition!) The interactions have not always been idyllic, but you both had enough of My peace to weather problems and come to a gentle, loving relationship in these senior years. It would not have been socio-psychologically predictable, so My peace helped Lenore to accept the reality of your and My relationship and of these Teachings. I could have made this mystical aspect of your life harder to accept and maintain by letting you marry a woman who could not accept this “gift” from Me. That would have been a real challenge to your peace. It wasn’t necessary.

The rumors and news of conflicts in this academic setting are yours to hear rather often, but My peace helps you avoid personal involvement in such struggles. Instead you experience almost constant peace in our position and in your profession. Some must come to peace through conflicts. You have had such experiences. They weren’t necessary in this life.

WED., MAR. 8, 1995, 8:48 AM

Your group this morning focused, at least somewhat, upon peace… the peace I give to you. This includes, of course, that it is a peace I offer, that you must then take and internalize. It is a peace not of this earth, its realities and distractions, but a peace of the spirit. Hear what I have to say about this, o son.

Peace is, fundamentally, a spiritual gift. The earth, as a realm, is designed to challenge that peace. Without My peace it is easy, even reasonable to see this . . .

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