What Is “Of Value”… To Me?

MON., MAR. 27, 2000, 8:14 PM

You probably think you know how this should be answered… even how I would answer it. But you wrote the title (and it technically is a question) and now you expect Me to give you an answer, better than what you could create. The speaker this afternoon dubbed himself an “ethicist,” one who explores all that the term “ethics” implies, and something about how ethical decisions are made. Hear Me now, o son.

You know My “choice” for the highest value here in the earth. It is the ecological balance of all forms of life with the elements (8:22 / 8:24 ) that make up the physical earth – air, water, land… And I should say that it is the “balancing” rather than “balance,” for there is no such thing, for any length of time, as an ideal, perfect balance. Rather it is a dynamic of balancing and rebalancing, and…

Of the forms of life, I do say humans are My most valuable, but humans, even the most adaptable, could not live without these other forms of life – animal, vegetable, even small to microorganisms. Then I have to say that humans are becoming excessive, and this diminishes their value. (And, I know… “Who is responsible for this?” Ultimately, of course, I am!)

I have love for, and I’m eager to relate to all of the diverse lot of humans I have helped create, but I do have some “favorites.” I am more pleased with those who come to Me, in any of myriad, diverse ways. I still reach out, in love, to those who doubt, who don’t forcefully reject Me, but just don’t “pay Me much heed.” And I wait, patiently, mostly, for those who turn away and reject Me and what I stand for. Yet I must still admit that I am most pleased with those of you to whom I come, in some direct way, and you respond as servants. As Jesus I chose 12 disciples. As the Triune God – Father, Son Jesus, and I Holy Spirit – I still choose, and I love it when you hear Me and do what I want you to do. We’re Friends, in the almost perfect sense.

And then I’ll say that I am most “in tune with” humans whose lives are in concert with My top Priority – sustaining the ecological balance of this planet called Earth. You are not a true ideal in this regard, but I am aware of ways that you “live with” the rest of life rather than just dominating. Your multiple uses and reuses of hay is an example of which I approve.

As a “partner” to this valuing of life I honor death. Humans, of course, each have a soul, manifested by spirit. Other animals have spirit, but not souls like humans. You judged that the herd of 7 cattle that you have had was “too many” for your pasture. Hence, the two half-grown animals were taken to the “killing facility,” and their lives are no more. Instead you will soon pick up quite a lot of meat, developed from the pasture grass, hay, and corn you have fed them. Their deaths were necessary so that you and other humans can survive, in health.

Each day, even each minute, a number of humans die. This is part of My plan for the earth. Human life continues on, in spirit form, but bodies die, in a wide diversity of ways. The profession of medicine is an aspect of human life that I have encouraged, in balance with public health and positive health… improving the environment and practicing a healthy life-style. But here again is an example of a “good” being diminished in value by becoming too “effective.” Many lives are “saved,” at great cost, and the human population continues to increase. My, My. I soon must take some action to reverse this growth, which means, of course, more deaths.

On the one hand I’ll say that it is difficult to do some rebalancing, and I will not be “loved” for whatever means I choose for such. But just remember that a soon-to-be-current application of “out of the mud grows the lotus” will be “out of increased deaths comes sustainable, more balanced life.”

MON., MAR. 27, 2000, 8:14 PM

You probably think you know how this should be answered… even how I would answer it. But you wrote the title (and it technically is a question) and now you expect Me to give you an answer, better than what you could create. The speaker this afternoon dubbed himself an “ethicist,” one who explores all that the term “ethics” implies, and something about how ethical decisions are made. Hear Me now, o son.

You know My “choice” for the highest value here in the earth. It is the ecological balance of . . .

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