What Is “Of Worth”?

THURS., AUG. 14, 1986, 5:29 AM

It is good for you to ponder and to seek My help in assessing what is “of worth.” On what should you spend money? To what should you give your time? How should you expend your energies? What should be your commitments? Hear, o son, for I have much to say about such questions.

I’ll say initially… the last shall be first. Reverse the order. Assess your commitments. The highest, obviously, should be a commitment to Me. We have this unique relationship, and so you must be committed to hearing and writing ever fresh Teachings from Me… and then keeping them in some usable order. It is time for another Ruminations, and that shall be a priority for your time and energy. Keeping materials in order is not one of your strengths, but if such are to be usable some organization does help. So this special “ministry” that I give to you is “of worth.” At times it must have high priority.

Your commitment to Me shall take other forms, which shall lap over into your personal and your professional lives. You are a churchman and this you should be. You have some responsibilities that match your talents. Be cautious about taking on responsibilities that require too much of you for their worth. An activity or a task may be quite worthwhile… even necessary for the church’s well-being… and still it may not be one you should take on.

Part of your commitment to Me can be expressed in giving to causes that these Teachings seem to approve. Continue to be careful in your spending on yourself. Do not order books, magazines, and journals that you will not likely read or use. Be cautious in buying more tapes. Always assess carefully what you have before ordering yet others. Yet it is “of worth” to seek new ideas for your teaching and new and better ways to encourage learning… in concert with the old… the tried and true.

Your marriage and family life is “of worth.” I’ll say again that this is a special relationship for this earth life and it is not something to be taken for granted. Continue to give attention and time to nurturing and sustaining the relationship with Lenore. Also be open to appreciation of what she does for you and for your marriage. You have not been diligent in your correspondence with Matthew. This is a difficult time for both of you, but he is your son, and this present situation is a challenge I have given to you both… and to the whole family. I shall not tell you what you should do or say… just that it is a challenge from Me.

This Farm is “of worth”? Continue to expend your energies to keep it looking well and producing, minimally. Continue to value it as a site for classes, using your creativity to make this a unique place of learning.

Give increasing attention to a plan for your sabbatical semester. At this point multiple use seems best, but the plan for this merits more attention from you. Of course I shall help in the planning, but you must take the initiative. Consider your responsibilities and also your opportunities. What will be practical and yet of most worth for your career in the near future?

THURS., AUG. 14, 1986, 5:29 AM

It is good for you to ponder and to seek My help in assessing what is “of worth.” On what should you spend money? To what should you give your time? How should you expend your energies? What should be your commitments? Hear, o son, for I have much to say about such questions.

I’ll say initially… the last shall be first. Reverse the order. Assess your commitments. The highest, obviously, should be a commitment to Me. We have this unique relationship, and so you must be committed to hearing . . .

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