What Is Sin?

TUES., FEB. 17, 1998, 6:35 AM

You see, o son, that I have given you a larger title than one that would focus solely on the subject of your Sunday forum – homosexuality. Sin is first a matter of the spirit… of the heart… and only secondly a matter of actual behavior. For, as I’ve told you, the same apparent action can be a sin or not a sin, depending on the actual motivation and spirit of the person.

Homosexual people are part of the diversity that I have created and am creating. In terms of human cultural values (that often are affected by My Holy Scriptures) this is hard to accept, for some of these diverse creations seem aberrant, not something a “good God” would do, or even permit. (You see, the concept of sin and that of the devil were “created” to keep Me pure and righteous. But these do, then, limit My influence and power.)

Some who are homosexual are blasphemous and appear to be “nasty people”. Actually they are no worse than some heterosexual folk, and it is OK to wonder why I allow such spirits and such behaviors in My earth. I’ll just say, as usual, that I have reasons… more complex than you can understand. (You have some insight on this, from My Teachings, but you just can’t grasp the “whole picture” of what “earth life is about”.)

Back to My “big title”: sin is not seeking communion with Me or not accepting My “reaching out” to you. I do choose some of you for special tasks… or just for reasons of My own… which means, logically, that others of you are not chosen. So, is it “worse” to sin by not seeking Me or “worse” by not responding to My “invitation”? I really am not concerned with a hierarchy of sins… which are worse, and, therefore, which are “better”.

Your culture seems to have an unfortunate fascination with sins relating to sexual functioning. This serves to “blow them out of proportion” to their actual importance and seriousness. It has been said that sexual attractions are necessary to maintain and increase the human population… and that of some other higher forms of life. That was once an obvious “good”, but now, in its results, is becoming a “burden”, if not an evil.

There are, at least in your culture, effective methods of birth control, but they are not always used properly or at all, and hence new humans are conceived in situations that are hazardous to full, loving development. Thus, while it still may be considered a sin to have sexual relations and prevent conception it can be a more far-reaching sin to conceive without proper, thoughtful intent. Homosexual behavior does not involve conception, which reduces its “sinfulness” considerably.

Though you like males and do love your sons and a number of present and former students and other friends, you have no sexual attraction to these, in any way comparable to how you feel toward some females. This is partly cultural, but you assume that it also has a glandular component. And so it must be with those who are truly attracted to some… or one… of their same sex. You certainly could ask, “Why do you allow this?” I reply, simply, “For reasons of My own.”

I’ll just say that I am as pleased when a person who is homosexual responds to My call (for I do call some of “these”) or seeks Me truly as when the relationship is with a “majority heterosexual”. Some of this minority who come to Me can be very special servants. Women in the clergy are still a minority… and not allowed, yet, in some portions of My Body, but how fine these two are who minister in your church. In some ways these issues are not comparable; in other ways they are.

TUES., FEB. 17, 1998, 6:35 AM

You see, o son, that I have given you a larger title than one that would focus solely on the subject of your Sunday forum – homosexuality. Sin is first a matter of the spirit… of the heart… and only secondly a matter of actual behavior. For, as I’ve told you, the same apparent action can be a sin or not a sin, depending on the actual motivation and spirit of the person.

Homosexual people are part of the diversity that I have created and am creating. In terms of human . . .

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