What Is Spiritual?

SUN., MAR. 26, 1995, 5:35 AM

A student plans to try to answer this question using the theoretical writings of transpersonal psychologists. You shall help with this study and shall be interested in what he finds and concludes. Your grounding in My Teachings to you is solid and extensive, but you know how I favor reinforcement of an important learning.

Spiritual is that concerning spirit, obviously. Spirit is the essence of you and of each human. It is what was before two cells came together and started dividing in a predictable but still mystical way to form a body which was born and survived with its own adaptability and functioning. The spirit that is developing in you as a human not only survives the death of your body but is freed to move on to some other realm of being.

In the same sense that everything you can see and touch is, finally, a manifestation of energy, the essence of every person is spirit. You are a manifestation of spirit. Now just as the energy that is evident in forms of matter takes different forms, so spirit is evident in many different “ways.” However, you must know that I, the Holy Spirit, am the Source of all spirit, finally. All spirit emanates from Me, and all of the spirit that is in humans shall finally return to Me.

You have just completed a Ruminations on angels, these being one example of spiritual beings that are part of this earth scene. They are spirits with a mind and a consciousness. They have spiritual bodies that very occasionally can appear to take human form, yet they have no need for food or drink, and these “bodies” don’t have the need to function, physically, as earth bodies must. There are many other forms of spirit, just as energy is manifested in many ways.

I, and these spirits, along with the spirits that are in some persons, may embue a place with spirit, that is evident to one… to a few… to many. Certain animals show forth spirit in their actions. You see, there is no need to try to restrict spirit to certain religious, or even Christian, forms. That would be like insisting that only fire and electricity can be called energy.

Spirit generates spirit. As people with strong spirits come together more spirit comes forth than would be expected from mere addition. It is the synergy principle clearly displayed. When My Spirit is “added,” as in a good service of worship in a well functioning church, spirit is increased and can be “absorbed” by some with lower spirits.

Fundamentally, the spiritual, for a human, is concerns beyond self. In the highest sense it is fully accepting Me as the Wellspring of all spirit and seeing others, groups, and all that is in this earth as spiritual, with you as a small part of an enormous whole. In a lower, but still important sense, it is concern for the welfare of others and for the sustenance of this earth. It is a rejection of affluence as an end in itself, and an acceptance of it as a means for helping others.

Spirit helps you balance, artfully, the honest pride in knowing you are a growing spirit, in close relationship with Me, with the humility in having achieved such spiritual development. As you become more spiritual you become more humble, which is self-esteem at its best. You know who you are, and you know who I am, and this give you the supreme confidence… and this means you no longer have to “promote” yourself, particularly at the expense of others.

SUN., MAR. 26, 1995, 5:35 AM

A student plans to try to answer this question using the theoretical writings of transpersonal psychologists. You shall help with this study and shall be interested in what he finds and concludes. Your grounding in My Teachings to you is solid and extensive, but you know how I favor reinforcement of an important learning.

Spiritual is that concerning spirit, obviously. Spirit is the essence of you and of each human. It is what was before two cells came together and started dividing in a predictable but still mystical way to form . . .

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