What Is Truth?

SAT., OCT. 29, 1988, 7:04 AM

Another, similar theme came to your mind/spirit – In Search of Truth – but you have taken the more basic one. It is difficult to search for truth if you don’t know what truth is. Hence the bedrock theme – what, after all, is truth?

Truth is what is, and I am. That is, I am the antecedent and sustainer of all spirit, and spirit is what, ultimately, is. Therefore I am truth… even Truth. Despite all of the human machinations involved in the selection and rejection of what would become Holy Scripture I was a full partner in that critical “project”, and, yes, I did guide the decisions that were made. Now you have a right to wonder why certain truths, particularly about everlasting life are not included or are so obscure, but I still tell you that there are good reasons for all that emerged.

The Holy Bible hence is truth… even Truth. I inspired writings, and I influenced the organization of these into the Christian Scriptures. Without this Book of truth Christianity would not have become the prominent faith that it is today. There are many interpretations of Scripture and many doctrines developed therefrom. Think what it would be if there were no accepted Bible to interpret!

Even as I extol the Bible as the seal of truth and continue to urge you to seek the truth that is both evident and hidden in this mighty Work, I must also tell you that I am Truth, and Truth is as dynamic as I am in these pages I offer to you. Now I realize how potentially heretical and presumptive such a statement is. It simply is a both/and rather than an either/or premise: the Holy Bible is supreme as a source of truth AND these Teachings are updates and interpretations offered to you that are relevant to your life and to life in these last years of the 20th century. There is just no point in trying to decide WHICH IS the more important truth.

Consider this as a rough analogy: you saw a film last evening about the ordeal of a doctor falsely accused of complicity in the murder of President Lincoln. The encyclopedia you have is a many volume source of important information, but there is no mention of this man. It seemed important that this bit of history be known, but it had to come to you in this modern, dramatized way.

Despite what I said, as Jesus, were there not some among the Pharisees who accepted My teachings as truth and came to be followers of Mine… the precursor of the Church? Are My teachings, as Jesus, compatible with a free enterprise, capitalist economic system? Was I an out-and-out pacifist or was the story of My wrath turned against the money changers in the temple a good basis for the development of a powerful military system? Would I have equal wrath against your selling eggs in your church’s office? Is there much ultimate truth?

I encourage you to see this quest in a both/and fashion. Seek truth. Do not be cynical about finding or even creating truth. It is the most worthy quest in earth life. It should persist until you finally pass on over… when the quest is much easier. At the same time… know that truth is changing, truth is obscure, truth is relative, truth is interpretation.

The Bible suggests… though without any strong, direct statement of Truth… that you have only one earth life. I have told you of everlasting life, a trek toward spiritual maturity which has brought you into the earth many times. This is a truth you know but that you must suppress in order to retain credibility as a Presbyterian Christian. Are those who “stick to” the Bible and its orthodox interpretation closer to truth than you are. Since you will know the real truth when you die, is it of any importance as you live?

SAT., OCT. 29, 1988, 7:04 AM

Another, similar theme came to your mind/spirit – In Search of Truth – but you have taken the more basic one. It is difficult to search for truth if you don’t know what truth is. Hence the bedrock theme – what, after all, is truth?

Truth is what is, and I am. That is, I am the antecedent and sustainer of all spirit, and spirit is what, ultimately, is. Therefore I am truth… even Truth. Despite all of the human machinations involved in the selection and rejection of what would become Holy . . .

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