What “Kind Of” God Am I?

WED., MAY 22, 1996, 8:39 AM

As you study and discuss My Holy Scriptures, as you just have been doing, the question I pose as Our title for this day should often be raised. Don’t expect a clear, concise, understandable answer. Don’t expect Me to go beyond our ritual three pages, either. Why? To make you feel “good” I’ll say that no human, be he a learned, dedicated theologian or be she a very well developed soul on perhaps her last earth adventure, can come close to understanding all that I Am. Also, there just are not words available to lead you to a complete knowledge of Me. So, with that as an introduction I’ll offer you an answer to My question.

First, some important review and reinforcement. I am the Creator God. I am responsible for all that is… but… I have done much, in relation to the earth and humans, that appears to be “natural”, to have evolved, to be explainable in scientific and rational terms. Also I “sub-contract”, meaning that I set up a process, like human conception and birth, and then I let it function. I am not directly involved in every conception, pregnancy, and birth. Therefore when “things go wrong” it is My Will only to the extent that I could have entered into the process, but elected not to. As I’ve put it before, I do not micromanage the earth behavior.

And I continue to create, which is now a “sub-specialty” under being the Sustainer God. I continue to create spirits, some of which embark on the journey of becoming an enlightened soul. I monitor this incredible process, which is similar to birth and death on an incredibly cosmic scale. I “have time” to present words and ideas to your spirit, one that has little status, in all that I have created, but, still, one obviously important to Me. With you I don’t “sub-contract”. I the Holy Spirit, am your direct guide. Do you deserve this? Are you kidding? Yet here I Am, yet again.

I am a God Who has standards and laws, and still I am more interested in the heart and in motivations… and relationship to Me… than in clear-cut following or breaking of such laws. As Paul says, in his “thrashing around” in relation to the Jews and Me, as Christ, I can be kind, and I can also be fierce. I have a good and pretty accurate sense of how souls in whom I am interested will react to My actions. And I am the Supreme Adapter… rather than being the absolute Manager. If a response is not as I wanted I have marvelous capacities to work with this until the result is more pleasing to Me. And, of course, I am in no vital way bound by any one earth lifetime.

I also am a God who is kind, gentle, understanding and forgiving. And there is no way in which you can determine how this balances with My judgmental, wrathful nature. It is different for different individuals… and different for a single individual at different times in a life… and over lifetimes. Grace is easy, easy. Grace is a massive stumbling block for many souls. I have told you that I want your faith, trust, dedication, and commitment. As you are this way with Me, Grace comes into focus, and you accept it easily. You can’t affirm this easily, and you don’t but you know that you are accepted for who you are, and are “without sin” (and it is hard to say, isn’t it!?)

I am a God Who “thinks” in ways quite beyond any human capacity. I am certainly not limited to any form of thought, even your vaunted Western way. I love and approve of these Holy Christian Scriptures, but I also say I am not bound by these. Scriptures can tell about Me, but it is not truth that alternative perceptions are wrong and untrue.

I love the Church, which is My Body on earth. Yet this cannot translate to My rejection of mosques, temples, altars, and… which are part of other ways of seeking and acknowledging Me. Just as your body is both perfect and functional AND imperfect and diminishing in the quality of its functioning, so I see the Church. I recognize and even approve of the development of “religion” in various church forms, but these cannot limit or define Me, the Spirit that “blew in” at Pentecost and is still “blowing”, when, where, and with whom I choose.

Yes, Yes
9:27 AM