What “Kind Of” God Am I?

WED., SEP. 3, 1997, 8:17 PM

This morning was another trek through the Revelation of John, to which you relate only slightly. It is a strange tale, influenced certainly by isolation and the power of My “natural elements”. As I’ve told you it is part of Holy Scripture as almost the epitome of good and evil struggles, with those occasional affirmations of confidence in Me, as the Christ. It also represents My spirit of fun. It just can’t be taken too literally or too seriously.

In this tale there is a brief war in heaven, with Michael and his “troops” besting satan and sending him hurtling to earth. Thus, presumably, heaven is free from evil (as if this were really a force of consequence at all), and the dragon gets the earth. Now that’s a maya if there ever was one.

This time was a struggle for power, first with Babylon and then with Rome. It was also a time of an apparently lesser struggle – between the heritage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob plus Moses and Joshua, those whom I chose to lead My elected people, who spent much time and effort resisting Me… and Me, the Messiah, the Christ… a Jewish baby in the lineage of David (sort of) who grew up to be a charismatic man who challenged the piety of the Pharisees. I was God Incarnate, Who came to this scene but was rejected. Why?

It is a weird tale, now isn’t it?! I chose a people and was their God for about 2,000 years (if you care to be linear). Then I came to them as a “candidate for” Messiah, and I just didn’t fit the expectation Isaiah and other prophets had presented. Since I was influencing all of these, who can be responsible, save I?

To offer that I was surprised by their non-acceptance would certainly trim My Omniscience. Was “free will” a classic mistake, diminishing My creative design and capacity? Or am I quite satisfied with the whole saga and how it came out? You know that I say I am.

So what “kind of” God does this make Me? You realize I could be denying My weaknesses by saying I approve of what has happened… and is now happening… and what looms ahead. So it is a hallmark of faith for you to accept that I still have supreme power, but I chose to make the earth realm one of a powerful challenge to the human spirit. I just allow lots of happenings that “a good God wouldn’t”.

You mused in the afternoon to Mabel and then to Me and yourself about this earth life, as Bob Russell, and, again, you were impressed with how blessed it has been, though short of outstanding. You have had way more triumphs than failures, but you are a “great American” (or even human being) about like S.I.U.C. is a great university. The ratings show that this wonderful institution, in which you have had some pleasing success is not among the top institutions, nation-wide.

Why did I lead you here, rather than “work it” so that your career would be at Stanford, one of the acknowledged great institutions? I affirm that I cold have done this, just as I could have kept you at Punahou, for a fine career there. I like to have fun and I like to do some unlikely things. You could have been successful, relatively, at either of your other sites of teaching. So I’ll just say, this was the place for you, and I am pleased both in how you have “professed” here, and with how you have responded to My invitations to be a close friend in this place.

As you sat this evening and watched the evening sky lose its orange tones you concluded, yet again, that I have dealt lovingly and patiently with you. I am a God Who has power, but Who finds little need to flaunt it. I am more aware, than any of you can be, of how certain actions work out. I worked with Moses, and I worked with you. I inspired John and Paul, so that they could inspire you. I have worked with you, so that you could, in lesser ways, inspire some of these “less than brilliant” young ones not only professionally, but spiritually.

WED., SEP. 3, 1997, 8:17 PM

This morning was another trek through the Revelation of John, to which you relate only slightly. It is a strange tale, influenced certainly by isolation and the power of My “natural elements”. As I’ve told you it is part of Holy Scripture as almost the epitome of good and evil struggles, with those occasional affirmations of confidence in Me, as the Christ. It also represents My spirit of fun. It just can’t be taken too literally or too seriously.

In this tale there is a brief war in heaven . . .

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