What Must You Do…?

SAT., AUG. 29, 1998, 3:18 PM

… to enjoy everlasting life? You know the answer, as a Presbyterian Christian mystic – nothing… for you’ve “done it”, and “I’ve done it”. You have accepted My call to close friendship, and that’s more than enough. Do you have to keep coming for these Teachings? No… but you will. I have helped you develop a positive addiction, and now it is quite difficult for you to miss these opportunities with Me. It is not against your “free” will. I just have influenced your will toward acceptance of this burdensome enjoyment.

As you come closer to the end of this particular earth life I can begin to remind you of how your life was “planned” and how well you’ve done with it. No, now, it wasn’t planned “word for word and scene by scene”. You knew you would have some choices, but you also had a pretty good sense of how We wanted this life to be. Of course you had to “forget” this plan as you became Bob Russell, having to make the choices and decisions without clear memory of the plan.

Now I emphasize clear memory, for, as one with some initial spiritual maturity, you were able to discern what were the “right” choices, in most instances. And there truly was no danger, for even if some choices would have been different, your life and your service to Me would not have been much different. You did recognize the really important decisions and made them “as planned”… with My help.

… to enjoy everlasting life? Just keep doing what you’re doing. You’re aware of your sins and weaknesses, but you are not to focus on these. You know you and I, Holy Spirit, are linked together in some mystical way, and this is more real and more powerful than sins and weaknesses.

You can still feel unworthy when you seem to “waste time”, neglect letters, and fail to carry through with resolves for positive use of time. Just remember, however, that while actions can be important, My friend is your immortal soul that I have helped to develop in “timelessness”. I am less interested in what you “do” and much more interested in how that soul increases, as you exercise your spirit.

The concept of “yogas”, from another religion, some understanding and appreciation of which I led you to, is a powerful one: that there are many ways for spirit to grow, and ones that seem to be opposites still can be equally effective. For you, who have done much good in 48 years of teaching, it is time for a different yoga. (It doesn’t bother Me that your retirement from that active life is a slow, rather gradual one. Enjoy the relationships you still have, taking more time with some of them.)

Just be aware of that toward which you are moving… a more contemplative life, with less need to have “accomplishments”. Enjoy the occasional instances when you are asked to speak and lead… as you will do tomorrow morning.

… to get to that desired rhythm more quickly? It’s the old zen question of how much to try and how much to “not try”. Set some goals for yourself. Glory in the successes. Shrug off the failures and non-successes. Live fully. Whatever you do, enjoying the processes, whatever the results.

I “work with” many humans, with some, as closely as I am with you. If I were One to be frustrated, disappointed, angry because everything didn’t come out the way I desired I would be miserable, much of the time. But, aha!, I am outside of time, and I’m much more interested in the positive events of life… and I do see much that makes Me smile and “feel good”.

Whatever you do, do it “for Me” and for the spiritual progress that can come from it. With this as a “guide” every task and action is worthwhile, however it turns out, objectively. Thirty minutes in the sun is not time wasted if you enjoy the process, have worthwhile thoughts… or just let your mind wander. Cleaning rabbit houses can be a holy service to these small creatures, some of whom may some day nourish your body.

SAT., AUG. 29, 1998, 3:18 PM

… to enjoy everlasting life? You know the answer, as a Presbyterian Christian mystic – nothing… for you’ve “done it”, and “I’ve done it”. You have accepted My call to close friendship, and that’s more than enough. Do you have to keep coming for these Teachings? No… but you will. I have helped you develop a positive addiction, and now it is quite difficult for you to miss these opportunities with Me. It is not against your “free” will. I just have influenced your will toward acceptance of this burdensome . . .

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