What Should You Read?

SUN., FEB. 16, 1992, 7:44 AM

Literacy is one of My blessings. It is possible to put words, sentences, thoughts, conclusions, data, and much else “down on paper” for others to read. The ability to read makes exchange of knowledge and information possible. And yours is a culture in which much information is shared. You are not a prodigious reader, and there is more for you to read than you could… if reading were more important to you. What, then, at this time in your life, should you be reading and what should you be avoiding? I, the Holy Spirit, offer you thoughts that later you can read.

You know what My top priority is – Holy Scripture. You should be both reading and studying Scripture, for it is a bottomless source of insight, on times past and on present, contemporary life. Be in favor of the continuation of this early morning small group study, being an active participant in it. I shall give you other “assignment” in the future.

My next recommendation is the rereading of these Teachings, as you did Friday morning. These are special scriptures for you, as well as the best way to recall the events of your life over the past nearly 13 years. You are living basically in tune with what these Teachings recommend, but they also contain advice and wisdom that need reinforcing, in order that you might live “best.” You have them in good order now. Make the reading of these handwritten words a continuing priority.

The professional reading you do is about right. You get along well with what you do. Read what is of interest and “keep up” minimally. I’m still pushing for a few more written professional papers written by you, for the benefit of other readers in your profession. But you’ve heard that before, haven’t you?!

What about other books in the “spiritual literature? Do not reject such completely, but just know that you are in touch with the best Source. I have guided others in the past, am guiding others now, and shall continue this Work on into the future. Remember that I can guide others, on paths different from yours, to other truths, some that seem to conflict with what I offer you. I won’t say “Don’t read anything else,” but I’ll just emphasize that you are not a “seeker” in the sense that some are. You were asked about the Urantia book. (You replied, rightly, that you don’t make requests of Me, but I often do comment on matters that might be seen as a request.) It contains some truth, but reading it would not benefit you. Others might find a few valuable observations. It is a rather good book for seekers… and I do love honest seekers, even as they turn away from the best spiritual literature.

Your reading of and listening to the news is about right. You should be aware of current happenings, but continue the view that most of the daily news is inconsequential. Moderate this habit of being aware of all this is “news.”

( 8:20 / 1:15 )

I applaud your careful reading of student papers, and still admonish you to write comments on each. Think of new ways for learners to express understanding, and read all of these carefully. Keeping copies of papers also is recommended, with possibilities for some papers to be published, utilizing these stories.

You look forward to times of less pressure when you shall read stories, short and long. I tell you that stories are usually the most valuable form of writing (My Scriptures being one long story, made up of many shorter ones). Listen to stories. Read stories. Be, yourself, a teller of stories. This I recommend firmly.

SUN., FEB. 16, 1992, 7:44 AM

Literacy is one of My blessings. It is possible to put words, sentences, thoughts, conclusions, data, and much else “down on paper” for others to read. The ability to read makes exchange of knowledge and information possible. And yours is a culture in which much information is shared. You are not a prodigious reader, and there is more for you to read than you could… if reading were more important to you. What, then, at this time in your life, should you be reading and what should you be avoiding? I . . .

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