What Sort Of Friend Am I?

FRI., JUNE 6, 1997, 12:58 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, have affirmed many times that I have come to you as a friend. You know I am an integral part… and One with… the One and Only God, but I don’t have you stand in awe of Me. What real friend would do that?

I also have told you that I come to many humans in a similar way, but few are those who are called on to write down what they hear… or who persist in this as you have. To others I come as Jesus, the Christ… the Messiah. Some actually see Me (as Peter did, briefly), for I can project a body that is recognizable by these with much faith. For most, I am, as Jesus, like I am with you – Spirit, but able to communicate quite effectively. Then there are those who hear Me as the Almighty God, and for these I usually have some specific tasks, often hard ones.

I am not upset with those who deny these diverse manifestations of Me, living all or parts of their lives affirming that I don’t exist. We always meet again at the end of the earth life, and some feel rather painful embarrassment and shame in the beliefs and practices that were part of the life just completed. Am I the friend who rejects them because they rejected Me? Not a bit of it! I do unto them what I want them to do unto Me (Who said that?!). My harshest comment is something like… “Well, you could have done better”. A few realize quite clearly that they “volunteered”, in spirit, to take body in a situation wherein accepting My reality would be difficult, and denying Me would be easy and encouraged. Then I often say, “Congratulations for trying a hard one. Now grow as you assess the balance of your successes and not so’s.”

Of course there are relatively many who see Me, as God, as some combination of angry, wrathful, disappointed, and determined to punish those who fail in earth life. I can be this way, and some are pleased with Me as such a Presence, even if they are meted out punishment. Some prefer a friend Who is consistent, One to uphold “standards”, and willing to admonish when this is deserved. I can be this way, but it is not My favorite, even “natural” way of relating to you spirits.

Most of you need an understanding friend, One who forgives and forgets… One who says, “I’ll help you do better next time”. As I have told you, often, you did not deserve to be chosen by Me for the life guidance in these tangible Teachings. But then I also say, “Who does truly deserve to be so chosen?” Very few… approaching none. If you give a gift, as a friend, it should be appropriate to the person, so that it can be utilized and appreciated. You would not give Becka a new Ford truck, nor would this be appropriate for your Dad… but for different reasons. I gave you this special gift of friendship because I had been encouraging you as both a capable writer and a born-again Christian. I didn’t have to “do” a big miracle. I knew you were capable of hearing Me and writing it fairly accurately, and I knew you would respond as a friend, fulfilling your part of the friendship.

For, while I am all I have described in these earlier pages, I also can be somewhat demanding. I want you to continue to compose and send out these Ruminations of Ours, as your part of the friendship. Does Our friendship depend on this? Of course not. With you I am not a punisher. Your Dad wasn’t, with you. You were not much of a punisher with your sons. So you don’t need such harsh treatment. If you know I want it, you’ll do it… friend to friend.

I am a friend with insights, even information you don’t have, but can appreciate. I help you be more aware, and this you usually appreciate. We have established this means of communication, so I can prepare you for some event, or can help you evaluate experiences, prepared for and not.

FRI., JUNE 6, 1997, 12:58 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, have affirmed many times that I have come to you as a friend. You know I am an integral part… and One with… the One and Only God, but I don’t have you stand in awe of Me. What real friend would do that?

I also have told you that I come to many humans in a similar way, but few are those who are called on to write down what they hear… or who persist in this as you have. To others I come as . . .

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