What Time Is It Now?

WED., AUG. 7, 1991, 6:40 AM

A time to teach… a time to learn… and you know, o son, that these are closely related. A good teacher is always learning, for the teaching process, well conceived and executed, is one of the best ways to learn. When you are in the learning role you always should be considering how you would be doing the teaching, if it were your task.

You were in the process of deciding whether or not to reinstate your class based on the Teachings I have given you and would, in the future. The decision to do it was not made, and therefore it becomes an opportunity lost. Yet recall that I have told you that opportunities lost are mostly just new opportunities of a different kind. Let’s consider your options.

The class on science and religion could be an interesting and provocative one. I have given you a number of Teachings relating to science and probably more pertinent to religion. You know that I approve of science in that I created the earth so that it could be studied in a scientific fashion. Yet it is ridiculous for scientists to assume that I was not the Creator and that I have no influence on the “natural world” today… especially regarding humans.

Find out what book is to be used, and assess whether the challenge would be sufficient. The health education field is still one considered scientific, even as the role I have given you is one of emphasizing the spiritual dimension. You shall do this most effectively if you continue to understand how science is developing. How do science and spirituality come together? This is an important question, for they must not be seen primarily as adversaries. David is a scientist, and you don’t know him well. Being in this class could accomplish this. The opportunity is a good one.

Another one is the class to be taught by Diane that will deal with social issues of some sort. Some book will be used, and you can assess this. You like Diane, and she is reasonably accepting of your calling and your relationship with Me. The issues will be important ones, and therefore I shall have comments on them, so there could be occasional opportunities to “sneak in” My analysis of the author and of the issues. This also could be of value to you as a learner.

If by late Fall you do not find either of these fulfilling their potential for your growth (for the other members of the class are an important factor, and this is not known now) you could reinstate your own class, and I would be pleased to provide you with lessons galore. So, you see the opportunities do abound.

I continue to tell you that it is a time to consider, carefully each new potential assignment. You know what I want you to do, and if you accomplished all of this you would be busier than even I want you to be. It is time to be well prepared for your teaching and to do this in both a planned and a spontaneous way. Your central task is to develop ways and take advantage of opportunities to develop spirit in the learners that come to you. In some ways this is an anti-intellectual task, but it is the proper role for one with your age and experience.

Continue to keep yourself in positions which lead to activity in the worship service. And I say that you should continue to be responsible for the church newsletter. It can have its tedious moments, but it offers you a way to communicate to the church, that you have earned by your service as editor. Your introduction of fun and humor has been good, and you know I want this to continue, in both the newsletter and the service.

WED., AUG. 7, 1991, 6:40 AM

A time to teach… a time to learn… and you know, o son, that these are closely related. A good teacher is always learning, for the teaching process, well conceived and executed, is one of the best ways to learn. When you are in the learning role you always should be considering how you would be doing the teaching, if it were your task.

You were in the process of deciding whether or not to reinstate your class based on the Teachings I have given you and would, in the future . . .

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