What “Time” Is It Now?

FRI., SEPT. 22, 1995, 1:30 PM

On Sunday you plan to focus your Forum’s attention on this wonderful observation by My servant Solomon, who called himself The Preacher for this writing. Be sure and go back to the Ruminations We put together, now years ago, and to at least some of the teachings that went into that Letter. You are feeling pressed now, when you didn’t want to be, but, within the spirit of this theme, it still is a time to feel pushed, pulled, and pressed. You know, of course, that it is less than in years past, but you’re slower in accomplishing. Know that I am aware of this time in your life.

The reason I put “time” in quotes in the title is that I am outside of time, not limited by time, and not much concerned about it. I allowed it to be “created”, and I did speak in some ways that seemed to confirm time as a reality. Yet more often I just allowed human understanding to prevail in what is now Scripture, because it would have prevented this favorite religion of Mine (called The Body of Christ) from seeming relevant to some that I wanted.

I do enjoy relating to some of the few humans in the earth who either have no concept of time like unto that of your culture or who have a concept, but consider it unimportant. It is a more interesting way to experience life, as you will rediscover when this earth journey is over.

The nature of these 14 contrasting manifestations of time at least suggest that there are several ways to perceive “time”. It can seem to be linear, as in “a time to be born, and a time to die”. But a later passage says everything that is now has been before, and there is nothing new. Doesn’t this suggest that being born… or dying… may not be a “new” event, but just a repetition, in some other form, of what has been before, perhaps many “times”?

“A time to plant” is more circular in temperate to cold climates, with seasons coming, and then going, to be replaced by the next. It also suggests a causative relationship. You did not plant in the midsummer as you planned to, and therefore you will have little to “pluck up”. To know the best time to harvest is essential to being a good farmer.

I have told you often that “a time to love” is much more often than “a time to hate”. I allow some hatred (and even encourage some), but it is most often to be overbalanced and overcome by love. War and peace are opposites in this imbalance… there should be more time for peace and less for war. Yet you read daily of continued war among 3 groups of My peoples, Orthodox, Catholic, and Muslim. For them the time for war has been longer than expected, and the time for peace still unembraced.

Some require situational judgments. One you struggle with, in relation to Me and to these Teachings, is “a time to keep silence, and a time to speak”. To whom can you be honest, but humble… or honest and assertive? Under what circumstances is it a time to speak… to keep silence? These decisions are frustrating. I know, but, in the wider picture that I see, it is time for you to have to make such decisions and take or not take such actions. It certainly is time for you to be faithful to this relationship that I have initiated.

The somewhat opposites of “kill” and “heal” are interesting in the light of your culture’s divided opinions on abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. The time to kill should be less than to heal, but with projected increases in population and “improvements” in assisting healing, the time to kill becomes more often and acceptable. There is a reluctance to raise this issue as part of the struggle to limit the government’s costs for medical care, but it must finally be faced, and allowed more often. It is time for you to kill rabbits if they are to be useful as food. To be reluctant here is being hypocritical about the food you and most of your fellow Americans eat. At different “times” in the linear life of a culture, the balance of opposites should change… say I.

FRI., SEPT. 22, 1995, 1:30 PM

On Sunday you plan to focus your Forum’s attention on this wonderful observation by My servant Solomon, who called himself The Preacher for this writing. Be sure and go back to the Ruminations We put together, now years ago, and to at least some of the teachings that went into that Letter. You are feeling pressed now, when you didn’t want to be, but, within the spirit of this theme, it still is a time to feel pushed, pulled, and pressed. You know, of course, that it is . . .

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