What Time Is It Now?

TUES., JULY 14, 1998, 6:39 AM

In your culture, here in the earth, time is an important factor. On this desk you have a clock, and your watch lies face down, symbolizing that this “time” with Me is outside of time. Your culture has taught you (and you have learned well) that time is real, and that everything that happens does so in a span of time.

You are aware, at least, of the potential problem for your compute-dependent culture that is almost on the horizon. It actually amounts to a “clash” between circular and linear time (which also is the “clash” of a single, linear life and the many lives it usually requires to grow spiritually as you must). The problem seems to be that, without the first two digits of a four digit year, on January 1, 2000 the computer will be confused, because the movement from 99 to 00 will be perceived as circular rather than linear… back to 1900 rather than on to 2000. Without the first two digits there can be no linear time, which makes it like unto minutes, hours, days, and months, which all are circular.

In other words (and, with this, there always have to be “other words”) the computer is denying the reality of linear time, proclaiming that 00 follows 99 rather than 100. On your clocks the numbers go from 1 to 12… and then not to 13 (except on military clocks) but back to 1. Your days commence with Sunday, go to Saturday, and then its Sunday again. So, as I’ve told you before most of time is circular, except the years. And this represents the concept that a human life exists, as a legal “entity”, from the year of birth to the year when the body ceases to function completely. That’s earth life. That’s “all there is”.

This is your secular culture’s perception… that there is one life, and it can be short, like Peter’s – 1959-1976, or long, like your Mother’s – 1902-1996. Your Christian culture proclaims that life is everlasting and eternal, in spirit, but this is hard to envision, when you’re in this physical “phase”.

And so, while in terms of time the computer can deal with 24 hour days, 7 day weeks, 30 or 31 days months, that all “recycle”, it cannot deal with years that only go to 100, and then recycle. My, my. Perhaps it will be more “intelligent”… by “thinking circular”. Try to imagine how confusing it would be if all time were linear. Only one sunrise, and then one sunset… and then?

What I’m confiding to you is that all of time is circular. Once your spirit is created, out of Me, it has some variety of experiences, and with these spiritual experiences it is an immortal soul. Typically, it progresses and regresses, somewhat like the health and ill-health of an individual human. Spiritual growth is evidenced in the clearer and clearer perception that you came from Me and you shall return to Me. Your individuality, in this life is comparable to it being Tuesday. This is Tuesday. At midnight it will be gone, replaced by Wednesday. But next week there will be again a Tuesday, somewhat like and yet different from the one now “past”.

You are now in the late autumn of your life. You think of autumn as a marvelous season, and it is, here in this Heartland. You are experiencing, in your foot and your hand, some of the “chills” of winter. If you should lose, further, capacities to move and “do things”, to see and to hear, it would be winter coming on. Your Dad, even living in year-round warm Hawaii, is in the midst of winter. But follow the analogy… winter doesn’t just get worse and worse and… It begins to turn into Spring, with warmer air and new growth of all kinds.

TUES., JULY 14, 1998, 6:39 AM

In your culture, here in the earth, time is an important factor. On this desk you have a clock, and your watch lies face down, symbolizing that this “time” with Me is outside of time. Your culture has taught you (and you have learned well) that time is real, and that everything that happens does so in a span of time.

You are aware, at least, of the potential problem for your compute-dependent culture that is almost on the horizon. It actually amounts to a “clash” between circular and linear . . .

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